Part Number:MSP430FR2476
我使用LP-MSP430FR2476這張開發版寫程式,開發版是用48 PIN的MSP430FR2476,今天我另外開發的板子上面是用32 pin的MSP430FR2476,請問如果我用開發版的SBW腳位接過去,直接燒錄另外的IC,這樣是可行的嗎?
因為一直回傳 找不到device,這讓我很困惑這樣是否可行。
Susan Yang:
2.6 Using the eZ-FET Debug Probe With a Different Target
To interface to another MCU, disconnect all jumpers in the isolation jumper block. This is necessary because the debug probe cannot connect to more than one target at a time over the Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW) connection. Next, make sure the target board has proper connections for SBW. To be compatible with SBW, the capacitor on RST/SBWTDIO must be 2.2 nF or less. For documentation on designing MSP430 JTAG interface circuitry, see the MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide.
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