Part Number:TMS320F28335Other Parts Discussed in Thread:UNIFLASH
C28xx: Error occurred during flash operation: Timed out waiting for target to halt while executing FlashAPIInterface28335V2_10.out
C28xx: Error occurred during flash operation: Timed out waiting for target to halt while executing FlashAPIInterface28335V2_10.out
C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
C28xx: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error
C28xx: GEL: File: F:\WORK\ZKY\105\code\demo_for_105\Debug\demo_for_105.out: Load failed.
Break at address "0x3ff9ce" with no debug information available, or outside of program code.
在汇编中就一直卡在这一句 3ff9fa: 6F00 SB 0, UNC
Green Deng:
关于报错的话应该是你可以试一下将原来的target configuration配置文件删除后重新新建一个再测试烧写。也可以试试点击reset->restart,应该可以跳到main()函数