Part Number:TMS320F28388D
Susan Yang:
您可以看一下 ipc.h内的函数说明
一个是read message,一个是read command
//***************************************************************************** // //! Reads a message from the messageQueue. //! //! \param ipcType is the enum corresponding to the IPC instance used //! \param msgQueue specifies the address of a \e IPC_MessageQueue_t instance //! \param addrCorrEnable is the flag used to determine whether or not to //!convert the addr parameter to remote core's address space //! \param msg specifies the address of the \e IPC_Message_t instance to which //!the message needs to be read //! \param block specifies whether to allow function to block until a message //!is available in the message queue //! //! This function checks if there is a message in the message queue. If so, it //! reads the message and writes to the address pointed to by \e msg into. //! //! The \e addrCorrEnable parameter can take values IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE //! (converts the address to remote core's address space) or //! IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_DISABLE(does not modify the addr parmeter) //! The \e block parameter can be one of the following values: //! \b IPC_BLOCKING_CALL or \b IPC_NONBLOCKING_CALL. //! //! \return \b false if the queue is empty. \b true if the message successfully //! read. // //***************************************************************************** extern bool IPC_readMessageFromQueue(IPC_Type_t ipcType,volatile IPC_MessageQueue_t *msgQueue,bool addrCorrEnable, IPC_Message_t *msg, bool block);//***************************************************************************** // //! Reads a command sent by the Remote core //! //! \param ipcType is the enum corresponding to the IPC instance used //! \param flags is the IPC flag mask for the flags sent by the remote core //! \param addrCorrEnable is the flag used to determine whether or not to //!convert the addr parameter to remote core's address space //! \param command is the 32-bit pointer at which the command value is read to //! \param addr is the 32-bit pointer at which address value is read to //! \param data is the 32-bit pointer at which the data is read to //! //! Allows the caller to read a command sent by the remote core. A command //! consists of a unique command value, a 32-bit address and a 32-bit data. //! There may be differences in the address spaces of Local and Remote core. //! For example in case of F2838X device, the address spaces of C28x core and //! CM core are different. In case the \e addr refers to an address in the IPC //! MSG RAM, \e addrCorrEnable param may be used to correct the address mismatch //! //! The \e flags parameter can be any of the IPC flag values: \b IPC_FLAG0 - //! \b IPC_FLAG31. //! The \e addrCorrEnable parameter can take values IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE //! (converts the address to remote core's address space) or //! IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_DISABLE(does not modify the addr parmeter) //! //! \note The application is expected to acknowledge the flag and send a //! response (if needed) after reading the command //! //! \note \e addrCorrEnable parameter must be kept same on the sending and //! receiving cores //! //! \return Returns \b true if the command is read properly and \b false if //!the designated flags were empty and hence command was not read. // //***************************************************************************** extern bool IPC_readCommand(IPC_Type_t ipcType, uint32_t flags, bool addrCorrEnable,uint32_t *command, uint32_t *addr, uint32_t *data);
Susan Yang:
DSP应用 说:CPU如何加接收中断
//#############################################################################//// FILE: ethernet_ipc_ex1_basic_c28x1.c//// TITLE: Ethernet IPC example with interrupt////! \addtogroup driver_cm_c28x_dual_example_list//! <h1> Ethernet + IPC basic message passing example with interrupt </h1>//!//! This example demonstrates how to configure IPC and pass information from//! C28x to CM core without message queues. This configures the Pinmux for Ethernet//! Prepares the Ethernet frame that is sent to the CM core//! over IPC Message RAM. Uses the IPC command interface to signal//! the IPC Command, Packet address, Packet Length which is used by CM//! side code to send it on the Ethernet Line, which is acknowledged by//! the CM core side code over IPC on succesfully receiving a packet//! It is recommended to run the C28x1 core first, followed by the CM core.//!//! \b External \b Connections \n//! – Connections for Ethernet in MII mode//!//! \b Watch \b Variables \n//! – pass//!////#############################################################################// $TI Release: F2838x Support Library v3.03.00.00 $// $Release Date: Sun Oct 4 16:00:36 IST 2020 $// $Copyright:// Copyright (C) 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated – Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met:// // Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.// // Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution.// // Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of// its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived// from this software without specific prior written permission.// // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.// $//###########################################################################
//// Included Files//#include "driverlib.h"#include "device.h"
//// Defines//#define IPC_CMD_READ_MEM 0x1001#define IPC_CMD_RESP 0x2001
#define TEST_PASS 0x5555#define TEST_FAIL 0xAAAA
#define PACKET_LENGTH 132#pragma DATA_SECTION(packetData, "MSGRAM_CPU_TO_CM")uint8_t packetData[PACKET_LENGTH];
uint32_t pass;uint16_t count,countpr;uint32_t command, addr, data;void IPC_ISR0(){
IPC_readCommand(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, &command, &addr, &data);
// IPC_sendResponse(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, TEST_PASS);
Interrupt_clearACKGroup(INTERRUPT_ACK_GROUP11);}//void main(void){ int i;
// // Initialize device clock and peripherals // Device_init();
Interrupt_initModule(); Interrupt_initVectorTable();
// // Boot CM core //#ifdef _FLASH Device_bootCM(BOOTMODE_BOOT_TO_FLASH_SECTOR0);#else Device_bootCM(BOOTMODE_BOOT_TO_S0RAM);#endif
// // Clear any IPC flags if set already // IPC_clearFlagLtoR(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG_ALL);
IPC_registerInterrupt(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_INT0, IPC_ISR0); // Synchronize both the cores. // IPC_sync(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG31);
// // Send a message without message queue // Since C28x and CM does not share the same address space for shared RAM, // ADDRESS_CORRECTION is enabled // Length of the data to be read is passed as data. // IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH);
// // Wait for acknowledgment //// IPC_waitForAck(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0);
while(1) { if(count!=countpr) { countpr = count; IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH);
} }}//// End of File//
// // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // $ //########################################################################### // // Included Files // #include "driverlib_cm.h" // // Defines // #define IPC_CMD_READ_MEM 0x1001 #define IPC_CMD_RESP 0x2001 #define TEST_PASS 0x5555 #define TEST_FAIL 0xAAAA // // Defines // #define PACKET_LENGTH 132 #define ETHERNET_NO_OF_RX_PACKETS 1U // //Change this define for changing Packet buffer length // #define ETHERNET_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH 1538U uint16_t count; // // Globals // uint8_t pData[PACKET_LENGTH]; uint8_t Ethernet_rxBuffer[ETHERNET_NO_OF_RX_PACKETS * ETHERNET_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH]; Ethernet_Handle emac_handle; Ethernet_Pkt_Desc pktDesc; extern uint32_t Ethernet_rxInterruptCount; bool status = false; uint32_t command, addr, data; // IPC ISR for Flag 0. // C28x core sends data without message queue using Flag 0 uint8_t packetData[PACKET_LENGTH]; void IPC_ISR0() { IPC_readCommand(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, &command, &addr, &data); IPC_sendResponse(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, TEST_PASS); IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH); IPC_ackFlagRtoL(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0); count++; } void main(void) { // // Clear any IPC flags if set already // IPC_clearFlagLtoR(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG_ALL); // // Enable IPC interrupts // IPC_registerInterrupt(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_INT0, IPC_ISR0); // // Synchronize both the cores. // IPC_sync(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG31); // //The control data to C28x side can be picked up from Ethernet buffer and //Passed to Ethernet // // Send response to C28x core // // if(status) // { // IPC_sendResponse(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, TEST_PASS); // } // else // { // IPC_sendResponse(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, TEST_FAIL); // } // // Acknowledge the flag // // IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, // IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH); // __asm(" bkpt #0"); while(1) { if(IPC_getResponse(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R) == TEST_PASS) { // IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, // IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH); // count=0; } } } // // End of File //
Susan Yang:
请您之后以 “插入–>代码” 的形式来上传代码
DSP应用 说:cm进中断后发送数据,CPU接收后进入中断出中断程序跑飞
//############################################################################# // // FILE:ethernet_ipc_ex1_basic_c28x1.c // // TITLE:Ethernet IPC example with interrupt // //! \addtogroup driver_cm_c28x_dual_example_list //! <h1> Ethernet + IPC basic message passing example with interrupt </h1> //! //! This example demonstrates how to configure IPC and pass information from //! C28x to CM core without message queues. This configures the Pinmux for Ethernet //! Prepares the Ethernet frame that is sent to the CM core //! over IPC Message RAM. Uses the IPC command interface to signal //! the IPC Command, Packet address, Packet Length which is used by CM //! side code to send it on the Ethernet Line, which is acknowledged by //! the CM core side code over IPC on succesfully receiving a packet //! It is recommended to run the C28x1 core first, followed by the CM core. //! //! \b External \b Connections \n //!- Connections for Ethernet in MII mode //! //! \b Watch \b Variables \n //!- pass //! // //############################################################################# // $TI Release: F2838x Support Library v3.03.00.00 $ // $Release Date: Sun Oct4 16:00:36 IST 2020 $ // $Copyright: // Copyright (C) 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated - // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions// are met: ////Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright//notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ////Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright //notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the//documentation and/or other materials provided with the//distribution. ////Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of //its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived //from this software without specific prior written permission. //// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // $ //###########################################################################// // Included Files // #include "driverlib.h" #include "device.h"// // Defines // #define IPC_CMD_READ_MEM0x1001 #define IPC_CMD_RESP0x2001#define TEST_PASS0x5555 #define TEST_FAIL0xAAAA#define PACKET_LENGTH 132 #pragma DATA_SECTION(packetData, "MSGRAM_CPU_TO_CM") uint8_t packetData[PACKET_LENGTH];uint32_t pass; uint16_t count,countpr; uint32_t command, addr, data; void IPC_ISR1() {IPC_readCommand(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE,&command, &addr, &data);IPC_ackFlagRtoL(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0);//IPC_sendResponse(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, TEST_PASS);count++;Interrupt_clearACKGroup(INTERRUPT_ACK_GROUP11); } // void main(void) {int i;//// Initialize device clock and peripherals//Device_init();Interrupt_initModule();Interrupt_initVectorTable();//// Boot CM core// #ifdef _FLASHDevice_bootCM(BOOTMODE_BOOT_TO_FLASH_SECTOR0); #elseDevice_bootCM(BOOTMODE_BOOT_TO_S0RAM); #endif//// Clear any IPC flags if set already//IPC_clearFlagLtoR(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG_ALL);IPC_registerInterrupt(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_INT0, IPC_ISR1);// Synchronize both the cores.//IPC_sync(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG31);Interrupt_enable(INT_CMTOCPUXIPC0);EINT;ERTM;//// Send a message without message queue// Since C28x and CM does not share the same address space for shared RAM,// ADDRESS_CORRECTION is enabled// Length of the data to be read is passed as data.//IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE,IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH);//// Wait for acknowledgment// //IPC_waitForAck(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0);while(1){if(count!=countpr){countpr = count;IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE,IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH);}} } // // End of File ////// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // $ //###########################################################################// // Included Files // #include "driverlib_cm.h"// // Defines // #define IPC_CMD_READ_MEM0x1001 #define IPC_CMD_RESP0x2001#define TEST_PASS0x5555 #define TEST_FAIL0xAAAA// // Defines // #define PACKET_LENGTH 132#define ETHERNET_NO_OF_RX_PACKETS1U // //Change this define for changing Packet buffer length // #define ETHERNET_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH 1538U uint16_t count;// // Globals // uint8_t pData[PACKET_LENGTH]; uint8_t Ethernet_rxBuffer[ETHERNET_NO_OF_RX_PACKETS *ETHERNET_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH]; Ethernet_Handle emac_handle; Ethernet_Pkt_Desc pktDesc; extern uint32_t Ethernet_rxInterruptCount; bool status = false;uint32_t command, addr, data; // IPC ISR for Flag 0. // C28x core sends data without message queue using Flag 0 uint8_t packetData[PACKET_LENGTH]; void IPC_ISR0() {IPC_readCommand(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE,&command, &addr, &data);IPC_sendResponse(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, TEST_PASS);IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE,IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH);IPC_ackFlagRtoL(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0);count++; }void main(void) {//// Clear any IPC flags if set already//IPC_clearFlagLtoR(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG_ALL);//// Enable IPC interrupts//IPC_registerInterrupt(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_INT0, IPC_ISR0);//// Synchronize both the cores.//IPC_sync(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG31);////The control data to C28x side can be picked up from Ethernet buffer and//Passed to Ethernet//// Send response to C28x core// //if(status) //{ //IPC_sendResponse(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, TEST_PASS); //} //else //{ //IPC_sendResponse(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, TEST_FAIL); //}//// Acknowledge the flag////IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, //IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH); //__asm("bkpt #0");while(1){if(IPC_getResponse(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R) == TEST_PASS){//IPC_sendCommand(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_FLAG0, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE, //IPC_CMD_READ_MEM, (uint32_t)packetData, PACKET_LENGTH); //count=0;}}} // // End of File //
CM中 IPC_registerInterrupt(IPC_CM_L_CPU1_R, IPC_INT0, IPC_ISR0);为什么IPC_INT0能进入其他不行,没有看到在何使能中断
Susan Yang:
1 CM中的代码没有改变
2 CPU1内的代码如下
//############################################################################# // // FILE:ipc_ex2_msgqueue_c28x1.c // // TITLE:IPC example with interrupt and message queue // //! \addtogroup driver_cm_c28x_dual_example_list //! <h1> IPC message passing example with interrupt and message queue </h1> //! //! This example demonstrates how to configure IPC and pass information from //! C28x to CM core with message queues. //! It is recommended to run the C28x1 core first, followed by the CM core. //! //! \b External \b Connections \n //!- None. //! //! \b Watch \b Variables \n //!- pass //! // //############################################################################# // $TI Release: F2838x Support Library v3.03.00.00 $ // $Release Date: Sun Oct4 16:00:36 IST 2020 $ // $Copyright: // Copyright (C) 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated - // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions// are met: ////Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright//notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ////Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright //notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the//documentation and/or other materials provided with the//distribution. ////Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of //its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived //from this software without specific prior written permission. //// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // $ //###########################################################################// // Included Files // #include "driverlib.h" #include "device.h"// // Defines // #define IPC_CMD_READ_MEM0x1001 #define IPC_CMD_RESP0x2001#define TEST_PASS0x5555 #define TEST_FAIL0xAAAA#pragma DATA_SECTION(readData, "MSGRAM_CPU_TO_CM") uint32_t readData[10]; uint32_t pass;__interrupt void IPC_ISR1(void);__interrupt void IPC_ISR1(){IPC_MessageQueue_t messageQueue;IPC_Message_tRxMsg;//// Read message from the queue// Return message from CM does not use the address field, hence// ADDRESS_COREECTION feature is not used//IPC_readMessageFromQueue(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, &messageQueue, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_DISABLE,&RxMsg, IPC_BLOCKING_CALL);if((RxMsg.command == IPC_CMD_RESP) && (RxMsg.dataw1 == TEST_PASS) && (RxMsg.dataw2 == 1))pass = 1;elsepass = 0;//// Acknowledge the flag//IPC_ackFlagRtoL(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG0);Interrupt_clearACKGroup(INTERRUPT_ACK_GROUP11);}// // Main // void main(void) {int i;IPC_MessageQueue_t messageQueue;IPC_Message_tTxMsg;//// Initialize device clock and peripherals//Device_init();//// Boot CM core// #ifdef _FLASHDevice_bootCM(BOOTMODE_BOOT_TO_FLASH_SECTOR0); #elseDevice_bootCM(BOOTMODE_BOOT_TO_S0RAM); #endifInterrupt_initModule();Interrupt_initVectorTable();// Clear any IPC flags if set already//IPC_clearFlagLtoR(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG_ALL);//// Enable IPC interrupts//IPC_registerInterrupt(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_INT1, IPC_ISR1);//// Clear any IPC flags if set already//// IPC_clearFlagLtoR(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG_ALL);//// Initialize message queue//IPC_initMessageQueue(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, &messageQueue, IPC_INT1, IPC_INT1);// Synchronize both the cores//IPC_sync(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG31);EINT;ERTM;//// Fill in the data to be sent//for(i=0; i<10; i++){readData[i] = i;}//// Update the message//TxMsg.command = IPC_CMD_READ_MEM;TxMsg.address = (uint32_t)readData;TxMsg.dataw1= 10;// Using dataw1 as data lengthTxMsg.dataw2= 1;// Message identifier//// Send message to the queue// Since C28x and CM does not share the same address space for shared RAM,// ADDRESS_CORRECTION is enabled//IPC_sendMessageToQueue(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, &messageQueue, IPC_ADDR_CORRECTION_ENABLE,&TxMsg, IPC_BLOCKING_CALL);//// End of example. Loop forever////while(1); }// // End of File //
Susan Yang: