Part Number:CC2640R2F
请问:我的手机APP 是主机。 板子是从机。 主机主动修改MTU为251字节,从机怎么判断修改MTU成功?
Kevin Qiu1:
修改成功后会在串口打印MTU size信息
static uint8_t SimplePeripheral_processGATTMsg(gattMsgEvent_t *pMsg) {if (pMsg->method == ATT_FLOW_CTRL_VIOLATED_EVENT){// ATT request-response or indication-confirmation flow control is// violated. All subsequent ATT requests or indications will be dropped.// The app is informed in case it wants to drop the connection.// Display the opcode of the message that caused the violation.Display_printf(dispHandle, SP_ROW_STATUS_1, 0, "FC Violated: %d", pMsg->msg.flowCtrlEvt.opcode);}else if (pMsg->method == ATT_MTU_UPDATED_EVENT){// MTU size updatedDisplay_printf(dispHandle, SP_ROW_STATUS_1, 0, "MTU Size: %d", pMsg->msg.mtuEvt.MTU);}// Free message payload. Needed only for ATT Protocol messagesGATT_bm_free(&pMsg->msg, pMsg->method);// It's safe to free the incoming messagereturn (TRUE); }
yuzhou lu:
你好,请问这个函数是在主机端还是从机端? 我现在是从机端判断。
Kevin Qiu1:
SimplePeripheral 从机的