Part Number:LAUNCHXL-CC3235SFOther Parts Discussed in Thread:UNIFLASH
Kevin Qiu1:
This error means the JTAG debugger is unable to access the core or device on the board.
Technically speaking, this happens if the JTAG debugger fails to access an ICEPick register (exceptions are MSP430, Stellaris and some C2000 Wireless connectivity and Digital Power MCUs, which do not have an ICEPICK). If the ICEPick driver reports this error immediately upon connect, it's likely a hard fail with the JTAG connection itself (loose cables or connections, etc.). However, if the error happens later in the debug session the reasons are different (perhaps the reliability of the JTAG connection due to noise, or improper firmware that causes the device to power cycle or reset, etc.).
This issue can also manifest itself if the Debug Probe senses the scan path is broken. Some troubleshooting tips can be found at the section Invalid data read back below.
In certain scenarios the loaded code may cause issues with the normal connection and/or execution. In this case, check the troubleshooting tips in the error Invalid device ID below.
Additional tips to properly debug and correct this error are also in the section Troubleshooting the connect phase above.
Error connecting to the target:(Error -2131 @ 0x0)Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. Iferror persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or trymore reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).
Kevin Qiu1:
我们的板通过连接开发板的TDI TDO TCK TMS RST VDD GND TX RX,然后通过开发板将程序烧录到我们的板子上,之前通过开发板上的主控芯片换到我们的板子上的时候是可以进行烧录的,但是换了新的芯片后就出现问题了。
Kevin Qiu1:
wu 说:之前通过开发板上的主控芯片换到我们的板子上的时候是可以进行烧录的,但是换了新的芯片后就出现问题了。
Kevin Qiu1: