[2020-10-31 16:01:16.850 R]
CC3200 MQTT_Client Application
[2020-10-31 16:01:17.510 R]
Host Driver Version:
Build Version
[2020-10-31 16:01:17.815 R]
Device is configured in default state
[2020-10-31 16:01:17.920 R]
Started SimpleLink Device: STA Mode
[2020-10-31 16:01:18.636 R]
[WLAN EVENT] STA Connected to the AP: TP-LINK_511 , BSSID: b8:f8:83:f4:3d:f6
[2020-10-31 16:01:19.381 R]
[NETAPP EVENT] IP acquired by the device
[2020-10-31 16:01:19.970 R]
Device has connected to TP-LINK_511
Device IP Address is
[2020-10-31 16:01:21.810 R]
Version: Client LIB 1.4.0, Common LIB 1.5.0.
C: Alloc for 1 2001dd34
[2020-10-31 16:01:22.466 R]
C:FH-B1 0x10 to net 16, Sent (161 Bytes) [@ 5]
C: Alloc for 0 2001dd34
[2020-10-31 16:01:22.551 R]
C: Rcvd msg Fix-Hdr (Byte1) 0x20 from net 16 [@ 5]
C: Msg w/ ID 0x0000, processing status: Good
C: RX closing Net 16 [4]
C: Cleaning session for net 16
Broker connect fail for conn no. 1
[2020-10-31 16:01:23.546 R]
C: Net 16 now closed
disconnect from broker a1F8fKxfuZB.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com
Exiting the Application
Kevin Shi:
Best regards