GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData(simpleBLEPeripheral_TaskID, TRUE,sizeof(advertData), advertData );
Kevin Qiu1:
参考peripheral.c中的// Update the advertising data ret = GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData(selfEntity, TRUE, gapRole_AdvertDataLen, gapRole_AdvertData);
/*** @briefSetup or change advertising and scan response data.** @par Corresponding Events:* @ref GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT of type @ref gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t** @paramtaskID - task to receive event* @paramadType - TRUE - advertisement data, FALSE- scan response data* @paramdataLen - Octet length of advertData* @parampAdvertData - advertising or scan response data** @return@ref SUCCESS : advertising data sent to stack* @return@ref bleIncorrectMode : invalid profile role*/extern bStatus_t GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData( uint8 taskID, uint8 adType,uint8 dataLen, uint8 *pAdvertData );