

由于硬件的原因不能使用ROM中的bootloader实现升级,自己通过uart1实现 了一个boot,能正常更新flash,但是,当在boot中使用过中断后,例如串口中断、定时器中断,调用跳转函数jumpToPrgEntry(0);不能正确跳转到app区,会死机,已确定app区的flash正确。现猜测是中断向量表的问题。代码中有两个向量表,一个是falsh区的readonly section .intvec,一个是ram区的section .vtable_ram。请问app和boot中中断向量表需要如何设置

Viki Shi:



回复 Viki Shi:


bootloader中配置,#define SET_CCFG_IMAGE_VALID_CONF_IMAGE_VALID 0x50000


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Memory Sizes////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
define symbol FLASH_BASE            = 0x00000000;define symbol RAM_BASE              = 0x20000000;define symbol ROM_BASE              = 0x10000000;
if ( isdefinedsymbol(CC2650) ){  define symbol RAM_SIZE            = 0x00005000; // 20K  define symbol FLASH_SIZE          = 0x00020000; // 128K  define symbol ROM_SIZE            = 0x0001C000; // 115K}else if ( isdefinedsymbol(CC2642) ){  define symbol RAM_SIZE            = 0x00014000; // 80K  define symbol FLASH_SIZE          = 0x00058000; // 352K  define symbol ROM_SIZE            = 0x00040000; // 256K}
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Memory Definitions////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RAM//
//define symbol RESERVED_RAM_SIZE = 0x00000EB3;define symbol RESERVED_RAM_SIZE = 0x00000ED4;define symbol RAM_START         = RAM_BASE + 0x0000012C + RESERVED_RAM_SIZE; // PG 2.0 & PG2.1 Agama RAM_STARTdefine symbol RAM_END           = RAM_BASE+RAM_SIZE-1;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Flash//define symbol WORD_SIZE             = 4;
if ( isdefinedsymbol(CC2650) ){  define symbol PAGE_SIZE           = 0x1000;}else if ( isdefinedsymbol(CC2642) ){  define symbol PAGE_SIZE           = 0x2000;}export symbol PAGE_SIZE;
if (isdefinedsymbol(PAGE_ALIGN)){  define symbol FLASH_MEM_ALIGN     = PAGE_SIZE;}else{  define symbol FLASH_MEM_ALIGN     = WORD_SIZE;}
define symbol FLASH_START           = FLASH_BASE;
if ( isdefinedsymbol(CC2650) ){  define symbol PAGE_MASK           = 0xFFFFF000;}else if ( isdefinedsymbol(CC2642) ){  define symbol PAGE_MASK           = 0xFFFFE000;}
// BIM is allocated at flash sector.if ( isdefinedsymbol(CC2650) ){define symbol FLASH_PAGE_BIMSTART   = 0x50000;//FLASH_BASE + FLASH_SIZE – PAGE_SIZE;define symbol FLASH_PAGE_BIMEND     = FLASH_BASE + FLASH_SIZE; //0x0001FFFF;}else{  define symbol FLASH_PAGE_BIMSTART   = 0x50000;//FLASH_BASE + FLASH_SIZE – PAGE_SIZE;  define symbol FLASH_PAGE_BIMEND     = FLASH_BASE + FLASH_SIZE; //0x0001FFFF;}
// leaving 4 bytes of buffer between CCFG and veify function pointer define symbol FLASH_FNPTR_START    = 0x00057fa0; define symbol FLASH_FNPTR_END      = 0x00057fa3;
//storing cert element in fixed flash region,//length of region is size of cert_element_t define symbol CERT_END             = FLASH_FNPTR_START – 1;define symbol CERT_SIZE            = 0x4C;        // For version 1 ECDSA-P256define symbol CERT_START           = CERT_END – CERT_SIZE + 1;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Stack//
define symbol STACK_SIZE           = 0x400;define symbol STACK_START          = RAM_END;define symbol STACK_END            = STACK_START – STACK_SIZE;define block CSTACK with alignment = 8, size = STACK_SIZE { section .stack };
define symbol STACK_TOP            = RAM_END + 1;export symbol STACK_TOP;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Flash Interrupt Vector Table//
define symbol INTVEC_NUM_ENTRIES   = 50 + 1; // first entry is stack locationdefine symbol INTVEC_SIZE          = INTVEC_NUM_ENTRIES + 4;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Memory Regions////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
define memory mem with size = 4G;
define region RAM                  = mem:[from RAM_START to RAM_END];
define region BIM                  = mem:[from FLASH_PAGE_BIMSTART                                       to   FLASH_PAGE_BIMEND];
define region FLASH_FN_PTR         = mem:[from FLASH_FNPTR_START                                        to   FLASH_FNPTR_END];            define region CERT_ELEMENT         = mem:[from CERT_START                                           to CERT_END];
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Memory Placement////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function pointer table addressplace at start of FLASH_FN_PTR   { readonly section .fnPtr };keep                             { readonly section .fnPtr };
define block CERT                { ro section .cert_element};keep                             { ro section .cert_element};place at start of CERT_ELEMENT   { block CERT};
// Interrupt Vector Tableplace at address mem:FLASH_PAGE_BIMSTART { readonly section .intvec_boot };//keep                                     { readonly section .intvec_boot };
// CCFGplace at end of BIM                    { readonly section .ccfg   };keep                                   { section .ccfg            };
// RAM Vector Tableplace at start of RAM                  { section .vtable_ram      };
define block RWDATA { rw };
define section .heap_start            { public heapStart: };define section .heap_end              { public heapEnd: };define block   HEAP_END with size = 1 { section .heap_end };
define block END_OF_RAM with fixed order {                                        block HEAP_END,                                        block CSTACK                                      };place at end of RAM { block END_OF_RAM };
place in RAM { block RWDATA,               last section .heap_start};
// Stack//place at end of RAM                    { block CSTACK             };
/* Primary Heap configuration *///define symbol HEAPSIZE = 2048;//define block HEAP with alignment = 8, size = HEAPSIZE { };
/* Place heap just before CSTACK *///place in RAM { block HEAP };//place in RAM                           { readwrite                };
place in BIM                           { readonly                 };
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Initialization////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
initialize by copy  { readwrite };
do not initialize{  section .noinit,  section .stack,};


/* Intvec start */define symbol FLASH_BASE__ = 0x00000000;define symbol WORD_SIZE           = 4;define symbol FLASH_MEM_ALIGN     = WORD_SIZE;
if (!isdefinedsymbol(NVOCMP_NVPAGES)) {  define symbol NVOCMP_NVPAGES  = 2;}

/* Memory Regions*///define symbol FLASH_SIZE          = 0x00058000; // 352K//define symbol PAGE_SIZE           = 0x2000;define symbol FLASH_LAST_base__     = 0x0004C000;//0x0004C000;//(FLASH_SIZE-(PAGE_SIZE*6));// boot define symbol FLASH_LAST_size__    = 0x00002000;
define symbol FLASH_CCFG_BASE     = 0x00057FA8;define symbol FLASH_CCFG_SIZE     = 0x00000058;
define symbol FLASH_NV_base__ = (0x4C000 – (NVOCMP_NVPAGES * 0x2000)); // NV Flash basedefine symbol FLASH_NV_size__ = (NVOCMP_NVPAGES * 0x2000);define symbol FLASH_SIZE__    = (0x4C000 – (NVOCMP_NVPAGES * 0x2000));
define symbol RAM_base__           = 0x20000000;define symbol RAM_size__           = 0x14000;
/* Define a memory region that covers the entire 4 GB addressable space */define memory mem with size = 4G;
/* Define a region for the on-chip flash */define region FLASH_region = mem:[from FLASH_BASE__ size FLASH_SIZE__];
/* Define a region for the on-chip flash used for NV storage */define region FLASH_NV_region = mem:[from FLASH_NV_base__ size FLASH_NV_size__];
/* Define a region for the last flash page */define region FLASH_last_region__ = mem:[from FLASH_LAST_base__ size FLASH_LAST_size__];
//define a region for ccfg flashdefine region FLASH_ccfg_region__ = mem:[from FLASH_CCFG_BASE size FLASH_CCFG_SIZE];
/* Internal RAM for data used by application */define region RAM_region = mem:[from RAM_base__ size RAM_size__];
/* Place the interrupt vectors at the start of flash */place at address mem:FLASH_BASE__ { readonly section .intvec };keep { section .intvec};
/* Place the CCA area at the end of flash *///place at end of FLASH_last_region__ { readonly section .ccfg };//place at end of FLASH_ccfg_region__ { readonly section .ccfg };//keep { section .ccfg };"AGAMA_CCFG_AREA":place noload in FLASH_ccfg_region__ { readonly section .ccfg };
place in FLASH_last_region__ { section .text object nvoctp.o  };place in FLASH_last_region__ { section .text object macTask.o };place in FLASH_last_region__ { section .text object api_mac.o };place in FLASH_last_region__ { section .text object osal_port.o };place in FLASH_last_region__ { section .text object saddr.o };
place in FLASH_region { section .text };
place in FLASH_region { readonly section .const object mac_user_config.o };
place in FLASH_region {  section .const, section .constdata, section .rodata, section .cinit, section .pinit, section .init_array, section .emb_text};
/* Place remaining 'read only' in Flash */place in FLASH_region { readonly };
/* Mark the beginning of the NV Flash page */place at start of FLASH_NV_region { readonly section .snvSectors };
/* Place .vtable_ram in start of RAM */
place at start of RAM_region { section .vtable_ram };/*place in RAM_region  {  section .data, section .bss, section .vtable, section .vtable_ram, section .vtable_ram, section .sysmem, section .nonretenvar,};*/
/* * Define CSTACK block to contain .stack section. This enables the IAR IDE * to properly show the stack content during debug. Place stack at end of * retention RAM, do not initialize (initializing the stack will destroy the * return address from the initialization code, causing the processor to branch * to zero and fault) */define symbol STACKSIZE = 1024;define block CSTACK with alignment = 8, size = STACKSIZE { section .stack };
//place at end of RAM_region { block CSTACK };if (isdefinedsymbol(ROM_TIMACDataAddr)) {    place at address mem:ROM_TIMACDataAddr {section .data_RAM_BASE_ADDR };}
/* Export stack top symbol. Used by startup file */define exported symbol STACK_TOP = end(RAM_region) + 1;
define block RWDATA { rw };
define section .heap_start            { public heapStart: };define section .heap_end              { public heapEnd: };define block   HEAP_END with size = 1 { section .heap_end };
define block END_OF_RAM with fixed order {                                        block HEAP_END,                                        block CSTACK                                      };place at end of RAM_region { block END_OF_RAM };
place in RAM_region { block RWDATA,               last section .heap_start};
initialize by copy { readwrite };do not initialize { section .stack, section .noinit};
/* * The USE_TIRTOS_ROM symbol is defined internally in the build flow (using * –config_def USE_TIRTOS_ROM=1) for TI-RTOS applications whose app.cfg file * specifies to use the ROM. */if (isdefinedsymbol(USE_TIRTOS_ROM)) {    include "TIRTOS_ROM.icf";}


Viki Shi:

回复 user3446030:


未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » CC1352参考BIM在flash区去自己实现一个bootloader,在boot区,当使用过中断后,不能跳转到app区?
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