Other Parts Discussed in Thread:EV2400, BQSTUDIO
第一次使用TI的电量计芯片使用了 bq27421 evm板以及 ev2400 ,基本流程和概念不太熟悉 。目前有以下几个疑问请教TI的工程师:
1.修改配置Data Memory下的Design Capacity 、Design Energy、Taper Rate 为我们自己电池的信息。使用Golden Image选项生成.gmFS文件。Programming之后,掉电重启,Data Memory下的信息恢复修改之前的值,操作哪里有问题?
2.电池曲线学习的流程是什么?是否通过EVM板上的 charger+、charger-接充电、或电子负载进行充放电操作?点击start 学习的时候,显示
BAT_DET bit 没有使能,查看config寄存器BIE是高
3.如果正常写入配置以及学习曲线参数等信息到bq27241的 ROM, bq27421电量计合入我们的电路板,inux系统的电量计驱动bq27xxx_battery.c 和bq27xxx_battery_i2c.c 是否不需要任何修改即可正确读取电池的电量信息?
Star Xu:
2,BAT_DET 请参考TRM Table 4-2. Control() Subcommands
To perform a learning cycle, after configuring the e Design Capacity, Design Energy, Terminate Voltage, and Taper Rate,
charge the cells to full, rest for 2 hours, discharge to empty using c/7 rate, rest 5 hourss, charge to full, rest 2 hours and dishcarge to empty and rest 5 hours.
If qmax_up and res_up flags gets set, then learning was successful and the pack can be used
To perform a learning cycle, after configuring the e Design Capacity, Design Energy, Terminate Voltage, and Taper Rate,
charge the cells to full, rest for 2 hours, discharge to empty using c/7 rate, rest 5 hourss, charge to full, rest 2 hours and dishcarge to empty and rest 5 hours.
If qmax_up and res_up flags gets set, then learning was successful and the pack can be used
ma gang:
静止六小时之后 ,下一个阶段是 充电。结果出现
Fri Jan 15 15:00:29 CST 2021: Learning cycle cancelled
Fri Jan 15 15:00:35 CST 2021: Error: [RUP_DIS / RDIS: Not Clear]
Fri Jan 15 15:00:35 CST 2021: Learning cycle cancelled
Fri Jan 15 15:00:40 CST 2021: Error: [RUP_DIS / RDIS: Not Clear]
ma gang:
Do you actually have a load connected to the cells for the discharge to occur. I would recommend not using the learning cycle plug in, but rather, simply complete the discharge and charge independent of the plug in.
Before starting the learning cycle, set the update status to 3.Update status will go from 3 to 2 to 1 during learning. See the trm for quick start guide for additional details.
ma gang:
Star Xu:
Star Xu:
ma gang:
是设置 datamemory 中的 FH settings 2,ResRelax time这些寄存器?
Star Xu:
您好,手动log是指BQSTUDIO的register页面选择需要的选项点start log按钮就可以log数据。
ma gang:
我的意思是怎么控制,让relax时间 不要等6个小时。。减少等待时间,比如半小时,我电池已经充好放置时间够的情况下。
ma gang:
明白了, 只是记录log数据, 学习完成成功的标志是?