
IWR1642 people counting

您好,我在用IWR1642对people counting的demo的dss进行rebuild project的时候会出现下列警告:

"../dss_mmw_linker.cmd", line 40: warning #10068-D: no matching section
"../dss_mmw_linker.cmd", line 55: warning #10068-D: no matching section
warning #10370-D: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:RADARDEMO_rangeProc_run:RADARDEMO_rangeProc.oe674" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0xe00608, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with –disable_push_pop.
warning #10370-D: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:RADARDEMO_rangeProc_run:RADARDEMO_rangeProc.oe674" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0xe003a0, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with –disable_push_pop.
warning #10370-D: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:SOC_init:libsoc_xwr16xx.ae674<soc.oe674>" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0x20005964, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with –disable_push_pop.
warning #10370-D: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:SOC_init:libsoc_xwr16xx.ae674<soc.oe674>" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0x20005860, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with –disable_push_pop.




我在对IWR1642的people counting 的demo进行rebuild project 的时候会出现下列警告:

"../dss_mmw_linker.cmd", line 40: warning #10068-D: no matching section"../dss_mmw_linker.cmd", line 55: warning #10068-D: no matching sectionwarning #10370-D: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:RADARDEMO_rangeProc_run:RADARDEMO_rangeProc.oe674" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0xe00608, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with –disable_push_pop.warning #10370-D: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:RADARDEMO_rangeProc_run:RADARDEMO_rangeProc.oe674" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0xe003a0, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with –disable_push_pop.warning #10370-D: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:SOC_init:libsoc_xwr16xx.ae674<soc.oe674>" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0x20005964, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with –disable_push_pop.warning #10370-D: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:SOC_init:libsoc_xwr16xx.ae674<soc.oe674>" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0x20005860, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with –disable_push_pop.



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