F280049C LaunchPad自带XDS模块,不过我需要验证外购的XDS110 DEBUG PROBE,发现无法工作,CCS上提示(下面之一)
Trouble Halting Target CPU:
(Error -1156 @ 0x0)
Device may be operating in low-power mode. Do you want to bring it out of this mode? Choose 'Yes' to force the device to wake up and retry the operation. Choose 'No' to retry the operation without waking the device.
(Emulation package
Error connecting to the target:
(Error -2131 @ 0x0)
Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).
(Emulation package
我在target configuration里面也看了一下,发现有4线JTAG和2线JTAG之分,不过我试了所有情况都无法仿真,(而默认配置是2线,采用LaunchPad上面的XDS是可以仿真的),我怀疑会不会是外购的XDS110只支持4线JTAG,而LaunchPad只支持2线JTAG的原因。
Green Deng:
另外,我没有测试过4针的cJTAG,但是用户手册中有提到:2.2.1 XDS110 Debug Probe
… In the current configuration, the XDS110 is only wired to support 2-pin cJTAG mode.
Zhou Fang67:
The XDS110 allows using multiple modes of operation through the option JTAG / SWD / cJTAG Mode of the Target Configuration Editor: XDS110三种模式都支持。
jiaren lu:
回复 Green Deng:
Green Deng:
回复 jiaren lu:
你好,根据上述Zhou Fang67工程师的说明,XDS110是支持2针cJTAG的,你有没有试过把JTAG设置为2针的cJTAG?因为我这边没做过测试,不确定板子是否支持4针的。