Green Deng:
Green Deng:
jing liao:
回复 Green Deng:
谢谢您的回复!这一引导过程,能有办法保证dsp内存数据不被复位么?xxx.ccxml 属性配置中的 Connection Options 选项配置有何作用?
jing liao:
回复 Green Deng:
谢谢您的回复!这一引导过程,能有办法保证dsp内存数据不被复位么?xxx.ccxml 属性配置中的 Connection Options 选项配置有何作用?
jing liao:
回复 Green Deng:
Green Deng:
回复 jing liao:
jing liao:
回复 Green Deng:
Green Deng:
回复 jing liao:
I think the issue if the customer tried to connect through the JTAG after the program crashes is that either the device may not connect or the state of the chip may be changed.I think there are some settings in the connection properties(or the GEL file) that customer would need to either change or just remove the GEL file.The other option is to have the JTAG/CCS connected and run the program manually and when they observe a system issue just halt the CPU and observe the state of the program counter(where the code is at) and back trace from there.I would also make sure any kind of WD or TRAP ISR instructions have some code that will just loop if those are triggered so they can observe the state of the device.
Does customer have idea what happens when the device/system crashes?For instance are all the PWMs "dead" or is just the duty cycle bad, etc?That would give us a clue where to look.