在运行28035提供的例程 Example_2803xHRPWM_PrdUpDown_SFO_V6实验中
Can't find a source file at "C:\tidcs\c28\DSP2802x\INT3\DSP2802x_testing\SFO_v6_lib_build\source/SFO.c"Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
Victor Zheng:
点击SFO.c 右键选择properties。重新选一下路径。在弹出的对话框中点Resouce 右边的loaction一栏重选路径。
he code:
回复 Victor Zheng:
回复 Eric Ma:
回复 Eric Ma:
Can't find a source file at "C:\tidcs\c28\DSP2802x\INT3\DSP2802x_testing\SFO_v6_lib_build
并且程序会停留在如下函数段。TI的工程师大神们,能帮忙解释下原因嘛,一旦出现后该如何修复,需要把CMD文件更改回去嘛,可能我添加了部分文件,原来的CMD文件已经不满足需求了,必须要更改CMD文件才能进行开发。// 查询MEP是否自动更新完成while(uiMEP == SFO_INCOMPLETE)// Call until complete{uiMEP = SFO();if(uiMEP == SFO_ERROR){error();// SFO function returns 2 if an error occurs & # of MEP steps/coarse step}// exceeds maximum of 255.}
_Cla1Prog_Start = _Cla1funcsRunStart;
-heap 0x300
-stack 0x300// Define a size for the CLA scratchpad area that will be used
// by the CLA compiler for local symbols and temps
// Also force references to the special symbols that mark the
// scratchpad are.
PAGE 0:/* Program Memory *//* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */RAML0: origin = 0x008000, length = 0x000800/* on-chip RAM block L0 */RAML1: origin = 0x008800, length = 0x000400/* on-chip RAM block L1 */OTP: origin = 0x3D7800, length = 0x000400/* on-chip OTP */
//FLASHH: origin = 0x3E8000, length = 0x002000/* on-chip FLASH */
//FLASHG: origin = 0x3EA000, length = 0x002000/* on-chip FLASH */FLASHF: origin = 0x3E8000, length = 0x002000/* on-chip FLASH */FLASHE: origin = 0x3EA000, length = 0x002000/* on-chip FLASH */FLASHD: origin = 0x3EC000, length = 0x002000/* on-chip FLASH */FLASHC: origin = 0x3EE000, length = 0x006000/* on-chip FLASH */FLASHA: origin = 0x3F6000, length = 0x001F80/* on-chip FLASH */CSM_RSVD: origin = 0x3F7F80, length = 0x000076/* Part of FLASHA.Program with all 0x0000 when CSM is in use. */BEGIN: origin = 0x3F7FF6, length = 0x000002/* Part of FLASHA.Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */CSM_PWL_P0: origin = 0x3F7FF8, length = 0x000008/* Part of FLASHA.CSM password locations in FLASHA */
IQTABLES: origin = 0x3FE000, length = 0x000B50/* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */IQTABLES2: origin = 0x3FEB50, length = 0x00008C/* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */IQTABLES3: origin = 0x3FEBDC, length = 0x0000AA/* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */
ROM: origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44/* Boot ROM */RESET: origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002/* part of boot ROM*/VECTORS: origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E/* part of boot ROM*/PAGE 1 :/* Data Memory *//* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation *//* Registers remain on PAGE1*/BOOT_RSVD: origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000050/* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */RAMM0: origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0/* on-chip RAM block M0 */RAMM1: origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400/* on-chip RAM block M1 */RAML0: origin = 0x009000, length = 0x000800/* on-chip RAM block L0 */CLARAM0: origin = 0x009800, length = 0x000400CLARAM1: origin = 0x009C00, length = 0x000400
CLA1_MSGRAMLOW: origin = 0x001480, length = 0x000080CLA1_MSGRAMHIGH: origin = 0x001500, length = 0x000080FLASHB: origin = 0x3F4000, length = 0x002000/* on-chip FLASH */}
/* Allocate sections to memory blocks.Note:codestart user defined section in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm used to redirect codeexecution when booting to flashramfuncsuser defined section to store functions that will be copied from Flash into RAM
/* Allocate program areas: */.cinit: > FLASHAPAGE = 0.pinit: > FLASHA,PAGE = 0.text: > FLASHCPAGE = 0codestart: > BEGINPAGE = 0ramfuncs: LOAD = FLASHD,RUN = RAML0,LOAD_START(_RamfuncsLoadStart),LOAD_SIZE(_RamfuncsLoadSize),RUN_START(_RamfuncsRunStart),PAGE = 0
csmpasswds: > CSM_PWL_P0PAGE = 0csm_rsvd: > CSM_RSVDPAGE = 0
/* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */.stack: > RAMM1PAGE = 1.cio: > RAML0PAGE = 1.sysmem: > RAMM1PAGE = 1.ebss: > RAML0PAGE = 1.esysmem: > RAML0PAGE = 1
/* Initalized sections go in Flash *//* For SDFlash to program these, they must be allocated to page 0 */.econst: > FLASHAPAGE = 0.switch: > FLASHAPAGE = 0/* Allocate IQ math areas: */IQmath: > FLASHAPAGE = 0/* Math Code */IQmathTables: > IQTABLES,PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD.bss_cla: > CLARAM1,PAGE = 1Cla1Prog: LOAD = FLASHD,RUN = RAML1,LOAD_START(_Cla1funcsLoadStart),LOAD_END(_Cla1funcsLoadEnd),RUN_START(_Cla1funcsRunStart),LOAD_SIZE(_Cla1funcsLoadSize),PAGE = 0Cla1ToCpuMsgRAM: > CLA1_MSGRAMLOW,PAGE = 1CpuToCla1MsgRAM: > CLA1_MSGRAMHIGH,PAGE = 1Cla1DataRam0: > CLARAM0,PAGE = 1Cla1DataRam1: > CLARAM1,PAGE = 1GROUP: LOAD = FLASHB,RUN = CLARAM1,LOAD_START(_Cla1mathTablesLoadStart),LOAD_END(_Cla1mathTablesLoadEnd),RUN_START(_Cla1mathTablesRunStart),LOAD_SIZE(_Cla1mathTablesLoadSize),PAGE = 1{CLA1mathTables.const_cla}CLAscratch: { *.obj(CLAscratch). += CLA_SCRATCHPAD_SIZE;*.obj(CLAscratch_end) } > CLARAM1,PAGE = 1/* Uncomment the section below if calling the IQNexp() or IQexp()functions from the IQMath.lib library in order to utilize therelevant IQ Math table in Boot ROM (This saves space and Boot ROMis 1 wait-state). If this section is not uncommented, IQmathTables2will be loaded into other memory (SARAM, Flash, etc.) and will takeup space, but 0 wait-state is possible.*//*IQmathTables2: > IQTABLES2, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD{
IQmath.lib<IQNexpTable.obj> (IQmathTablesRam)
}*//* Uncomment the section below if calling the IQNasin() or IQasin()functions from the IQMath.lib library in order to utilize therelevant IQ Math table in Boot ROM (This saves space and Boot ROMis 1 wait-state). If this section is not uncommented, IQmathTables2will be loaded into other memory (SARAM, Flash, etc.) and will takeup space, but 0 wait-state is possible.*//*IQmathTables3: > IQTABLES3, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD{
IQmath.lib<IQNasinTable.obj> (IQmathTablesRam)
/* .reset is a standard section used by the compiler.It contains the *//* the address of the start of _c_int00 for C Code./*/* When using the boot ROM this section and the CPU vector *//* table is not needed.Thus the default type is set here to*//* DSECT*/.reset: > RESET,PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECTvectors: > VECTORSPAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT}