
添加了 InitAdc();函数脱机在Flash运行就有问题,将其屏蔽一切正常

#include "DSP28x_Project.h"     // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File

//#pragma CODE_SECTION(cpu_timer0_isr, "ramfuncs");
//#pragma CODE_SECTION(epwm2_timer_isr, "ramfuncs");

char g_uiNum = 0;

Uint16 ui[8]={0};

//extern Uint16 RamfuncsLoadStart;
//extern Uint16 RamfuncsLoadEnd;
//extern Uint16 RamfuncsRunStart;

void main(void)
 //Uint16 i;


 DINT;// Disable CPU interrupts


 // Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
 IER = 0x0000;
 IFR = 0x0000;


 InitCpuTimers();   // For this example, only initialize the Cpu Timers




 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO0 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO1 = 0x01;

 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO2 = 0x01;

 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO3 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO4 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO5 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO6 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO7 = 0x01;

 //MemCopy(&RamfuncsLoadStart, &RamfuncsLoadEnd, &RamfuncsRunStart);
   //  InitFlash();
 // Enable global Interrupts and higher priority real-time debug events:
    EINT;   // Enable Global interrupt INTM
    ERTM;   // Enable Global realtime interrupt DBGM





PAGE 0:    /* Program Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */

   ZONE0       : origin = 0x004000, length = 0x001000     /* XINTF zone 0 */
   RAML0       : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L0 */
   RAML1       : origin = 0x009000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML2       : origin = 0x00A000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L2 */
   RAML3       : origin = 0x00B000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L3 */
   ZONE6       : origin = 0x0100000, length = 0x100000    /* XINTF zone 6 */   ZONE7A      : origin = 0x0200000, length = 0x00FC00    /* XINTF zone 7 – program space */   FLASHH      : origin = 0x300000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHG      : origin = 0x308000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHF      : origin = 0x310000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHE      : origin = 0x318000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHD      : origin = 0x320000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHC      : origin = 0x328000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHA      : origin = 0x338000, length = 0x007F80     /* on-chip FLASH */
   CSM_RSVD    : origin = 0x33FF80, length = 0x000076     /* Part of FLASHA.  Program with all 0x0000 when CSM is in use. */
   BEGIN       : origin = 0x33FFF6, length = 0x000002     /* Part of FLASHA.  Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */
   CSM_PWL     : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008     /* Part of FLASHA.  CSM password locations in FLASHA */
   OTP         : origin = 0x380400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip OTP */
   ADC_CAL     : origin = 0x380080, length = 0x000009     /* ADC_cal function in Reserved memory */
     IQTABLES    : origin = 0x3FE000, length = 0x000b50     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */
   IQTABLES2   : origin = 0x3FEB50, length = 0x00008c     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */    FPUTABLES   : origin = 0x3FEBDC, length = 0x0006A0     /* FPU Tables in Boot ROM */
   ROM         : origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44     /* Boot ROM */          RESET       : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002     /* part of boot ROM  */
   VECTORS     : origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E     /* part of boot ROM  */

PAGE 1 :   /* Data Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation */
           /* Registers remain on PAGE1                                                  */
     BOOT_RSVD   : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000050     /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */
   RAMM0       : origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0     /* on-chip RAM block M0 */
   RAMM1       : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
   RAML4       : origin = 0x00C000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML5       : origin = 0x00D000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML6       : origin = 0x00E000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML7       : origin = 0x00F000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   ZONE7B      : origin = 0x20FC00, length = 0x000400     /* XINTF zone 7 – data space */
   FLASHB      : origin = 0x330000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */

/* Allocate sections to memory blocks.
         codestart user defined section in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm used to redirect code                   execution when booting to flash
         ramfuncs  user defined section to store functions that will be copied from Flash into RAM
   /* Allocate program areas: */
   .cinit              : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .pinit              : > FLASHA,     PAGE = 0
   .text               : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   codestart           : > BEGIN       PAGE = 0
   ramfuncs            : LOAD = FLASHD,                         RUN = RAML0,                         LOAD_START(_RamfuncsLoadStart),
                         PAGE = 0

   csmpasswds          : > CSM_PWL     PAGE = 0
   csm_rsvd            : > CSM_RSVD    PAGE = 0
     /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
   .stack              : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1
   .ebss               : > RAML4       PAGE = 1
   .esysmem            : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1

   /* Initalized sections go in Flash */
   /* For SDFlash to program these, they must be allocated to page 0 */
   .econst             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .switch             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0     

   /* Allocate IQ math areas: */
   IQmath              : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0                  /* Math Code */
   IQmathTables     : > IQTABLES,  PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD     /* Uncomment the section below if calling the IQNexp() or IQexp()
      functions from the IQMath.lib library in order to utilize the      relevant IQ Math table in Boot ROM (This saves space and Boot ROM      is 1 wait-state). If this section is not uncommented, IQmathTables2
      will be loaded into other memory (SARAM, Flash, etc.) and will take
      up space, but 0 wait-state is possible.
   IQmathTables2    : > IQTABLES2, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD   {
                IQmath.lib<IQNexpTable.obj> (IQmathTablesRam)
     FPUmathTables    : > FPUTABLES, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD           /* Allocate DMA-accessible RAM sections: */
   DMARAML4         : > RAML4,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML5         : > RAML5,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML6         : > RAML6,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML7         : > RAML7,     PAGE = 1
     /* Allocate 0x400 of XINTF Zone 7 to storing data */
   ZONE7DATA        : > ZONE7B,    PAGE = 1

   /* .reset is a standard section used by the compiler.  It contains the */   /* the address of the start of _c_int00 for C Code.   /*
   /* When using the boot ROM this section and the CPU vector */
   /* table is not needed.  Thus the default type is set here to  */
   /* DSECT  */   .reset              : > RESET,      PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
   vectors             : > VECTORS     PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
     /* Allocate ADC_cal function (pre-programmed by factory into TI reserved memory) */
   .adc_cal     : load = ADC_CAL,   PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD



Chen Jones:

 InitAdc(); 这个函数主要包含什么呢? 里面都有哪些函数?


#include "DSP28x_Project.h"     // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File

//#pragma CODE_SECTION(cpu_timer0_isr, "ramfuncs");
//#pragma CODE_SECTION(epwm2_timer_isr, "ramfuncs");

char g_uiNum = 0;

Uint16 ui[8]={0};

//extern Uint16 RamfuncsLoadStart;
//extern Uint16 RamfuncsLoadEnd;
//extern Uint16 RamfuncsRunStart;

void main(void)
 //Uint16 i;


 DINT;// Disable CPU interrupts


 // Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
 IER = 0x0000;
 IFR = 0x0000;


 InitCpuTimers();   // For this example, only initialize the Cpu Timers




 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO0 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO1 = 0x01;

 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO2 = 0x01;

 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO3 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO4 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO5 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO6 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO7 = 0x01;

 //MemCopy(&RamfuncsLoadStart, &RamfuncsLoadEnd, &RamfuncsRunStart);
   //  InitFlash();
 // Enable global Interrupts and higher priority real-time debug events:
    EINT;   // Enable Global interrupt INTM
    ERTM;   // Enable Global realtime interrupt DBGM





PAGE 0:    /* Program Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */

   ZONE0       : origin = 0x004000, length = 0x001000     /* XINTF zone 0 */
   RAML0       : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L0 */
   RAML1       : origin = 0x009000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML2       : origin = 0x00A000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L2 */
   RAML3       : origin = 0x00B000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L3 */
   ZONE6       : origin = 0x0100000, length = 0x100000    /* XINTF zone 6 */   ZONE7A      : origin = 0x0200000, length = 0x00FC00    /* XINTF zone 7 – program space */   FLASHH      : origin = 0x300000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHG      : origin = 0x308000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHF      : origin = 0x310000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHE      : origin = 0x318000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHD      : origin = 0x320000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHC      : origin = 0x328000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHA      : origin = 0x338000, length = 0x007F80     /* on-chip FLASH */
   CSM_RSVD    : origin = 0x33FF80, length = 0x000076     /* Part of FLASHA.  Program with all 0x0000 when CSM is in use. */
   BEGIN       : origin = 0x33FFF6, length = 0x000002     /* Part of FLASHA.  Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */
   CSM_PWL     : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008     /* Part of FLASHA.  CSM password locations in FLASHA */
   OTP         : origin = 0x380400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip OTP */
   ADC_CAL     : origin = 0x380080, length = 0x000009     /* ADC_cal function in Reserved memory */
     IQTABLES    : origin = 0x3FE000, length = 0x000b50     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */
   IQTABLES2   : origin = 0x3FEB50, length = 0x00008c     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */    FPUTABLES   : origin = 0x3FEBDC, length = 0x0006A0     /* FPU Tables in Boot ROM */
   ROM         : origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44     /* Boot ROM */          RESET       : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002     /* part of boot ROM  */
   VECTORS     : origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E     /* part of boot ROM  */

PAGE 1 :   /* Data Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation */
           /* Registers remain on PAGE1                                                  */
     BOOT_RSVD   : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000050     /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */
   RAMM0       : origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0     /* on-chip RAM block M0 */
   RAMM1       : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
   RAML4       : origin = 0x00C000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML5       : origin = 0x00D000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML6       : origin = 0x00E000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML7       : origin = 0x00F000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   ZONE7B      : origin = 0x20FC00, length = 0x000400     /* XINTF zone 7 – data space */
   FLASHB      : origin = 0x330000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */

/* Allocate sections to memory blocks.
         codestart user defined section in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm used to redirect code                   execution when booting to flash
         ramfuncs  user defined section to store functions that will be copied from Flash into RAM
   /* Allocate program areas: */
   .cinit              : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .pinit              : > FLASHA,     PAGE = 0
   .text               : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   codestart           : > BEGIN       PAGE = 0
   ramfuncs            : LOAD = FLASHD,                         RUN = RAML0,                         LOAD_START(_RamfuncsLoadStart),
                         PAGE = 0

   csmpasswds          : > CSM_PWL     PAGE = 0
   csm_rsvd            : > CSM_RSVD    PAGE = 0
     /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
   .stack              : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1
   .ebss               : > RAML4       PAGE = 1
   .esysmem            : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1

   /* Initalized sections go in Flash */
   /* For SDFlash to program these, they must be allocated to page 0 */
   .econst             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .switch             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0     

   /* Allocate IQ math areas: */
   IQmath              : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0                  /* Math Code */
   IQmathTables     : > IQTABLES,  PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD     /* Uncomment the section below if calling the IQNexp() or IQexp()
      functions from the IQMath.lib library in order to utilize the      relevant IQ Math table in Boot ROM (This saves space and Boot ROM      is 1 wait-state). If this section is not uncommented, IQmathTables2
      will be loaded into other memory (SARAM, Flash, etc.) and will take
      up space, but 0 wait-state is possible.
   IQmathTables2    : > IQTABLES2, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD   {
                IQmath.lib<IQNexpTable.obj> (IQmathTablesRam)
     FPUmathTables    : > FPUTABLES, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD           /* Allocate DMA-accessible RAM sections: */
   DMARAML4         : > RAML4,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML5         : > RAML5,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML6         : > RAML6,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML7         : > RAML7,     PAGE = 1
     /* Allocate 0x400 of XINTF Zone 7 to storing data */
   ZONE7DATA        : > ZONE7B,    PAGE = 1

   /* .reset is a standard section used by the compiler.  It contains the */   /* the address of the start of _c_int00 for C Code.   /*
   /* When using the boot ROM this section and the CPU vector */
   /* table is not needed.  Thus the default type is set here to  */
   /* DSECT  */   .reset              : > RESET,      PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
   vectors             : > VECTORS     PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
     /* Allocate ADC_cal function (pre-programmed by factory into TI reserved memory) */
   .adc_cal     : load = ADC_CAL,   PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD



Mak he:

回复 Chen Jones:


void InitAdc(void){    extern void DSP28x_usDelay(Uint32 Count);

    // *IMPORTANT* // The ADC_cal function, which  copies the ADC calibration values from TI reserved // OTP into the ADCREFSEL and ADCOFFTRIM registers, occurs automatically in the // Boot ROM. If the boot ROM code is bypassed during the debug process, the // following function MUST be called for the ADC to function according // to specification. The clocks to the ADC MUST be enabled before calling this // function. // See the device data manual and/or the ADC Reference // Manual for more information.

     EALLOW;  SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ADCENCLK = 1;  ADC_cal();  EDIS;


    // To powerup the ADC the ADCENCLK bit should be set first to enable    // clocks, followed by powering up the bandgap, reference circuitry, and ADC core.    // Before the first conversion is performed a 5ms delay must be observed // after power up to give all analog circuits time to power up and settle

    // Please note that for the delay function below to operate correctly the // CPU_RATE define statement in the DSP2833x_Examples.h file must // contain the correct CPU clock period in nanoseconds.

    AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.all = 0x00E0;  // Power up bandgap/reference/ADC circuits    DELAY_US(ADC_usDELAY);         // Delay before converting ADC channels}

#include "DSP28x_Project.h"     // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File

//#pragma CODE_SECTION(cpu_timer0_isr, "ramfuncs");
//#pragma CODE_SECTION(epwm2_timer_isr, "ramfuncs");

char g_uiNum = 0;

Uint16 ui[8]={0};

//extern Uint16 RamfuncsLoadStart;
//extern Uint16 RamfuncsLoadEnd;
//extern Uint16 RamfuncsRunStart;

void main(void)
 //Uint16 i;


 DINT;// Disable CPU interrupts


 // Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
 IER = 0x0000;
 IFR = 0x0000;


 InitCpuTimers();   // For this example, only initialize the Cpu Timers




 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO0 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO1 = 0x01;

 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO2 = 0x01;

 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO3 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO4 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO5 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO6 = 0x01; 
 GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO7 = 0x01;

 //MemCopy(&RamfuncsLoadStart, &RamfuncsLoadEnd, &RamfuncsRunStart);
   //  InitFlash();
 // Enable global Interrupts and higher priority real-time debug events:
    EINT;   // Enable Global interrupt INTM
    ERTM;   // Enable Global realtime interrupt DBGM





PAGE 0:    /* Program Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */

   ZONE0       : origin = 0x004000, length = 0x001000     /* XINTF zone 0 */
   RAML0       : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L0 */
   RAML1       : origin = 0x009000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML2       : origin = 0x00A000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L2 */
   RAML3       : origin = 0x00B000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L3 */
   ZONE6       : origin = 0x0100000, length = 0x100000    /* XINTF zone 6 */   ZONE7A      : origin = 0x0200000, length = 0x00FC00    /* XINTF zone 7 – program space */   FLASHH      : origin = 0x300000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHG      : origin = 0x308000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHF      : origin = 0x310000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHE      : origin = 0x318000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHD      : origin = 0x320000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHC      : origin = 0x328000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHA      : origin = 0x338000, length = 0x007F80     /* on-chip FLASH */
   CSM_RSVD    : origin = 0x33FF80, length = 0x000076     /* Part of FLASHA.  Program with all 0x0000 when CSM is in use. */
   BEGIN       : origin = 0x33FFF6, length = 0x000002     /* Part of FLASHA.  Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */
   CSM_PWL     : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008     /* Part of FLASHA.  CSM password locations in FLASHA */
   OTP         : origin = 0x380400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip OTP */
   ADC_CAL     : origin = 0x380080, length = 0x000009     /* ADC_cal function in Reserved memory */
     IQTABLES    : origin = 0x3FE000, length = 0x000b50     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */
   IQTABLES2   : origin = 0x3FEB50, length = 0x00008c     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */    FPUTABLES   : origin = 0x3FEBDC, length = 0x0006A0     /* FPU Tables in Boot ROM */
   ROM         : origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44     /* Boot ROM */          RESET       : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002     /* part of boot ROM  */
   VECTORS     : origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E     /* part of boot ROM  */

PAGE 1 :   /* Data Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation */
           /* Registers remain on PAGE1                                                  */
     BOOT_RSVD   : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000050     /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */
   RAMM0       : origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0     /* on-chip RAM block M0 */
   RAMM1       : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
   RAML4       : origin = 0x00C000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML5       : origin = 0x00D000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML6       : origin = 0x00E000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML7       : origin = 0x00F000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   ZONE7B      : origin = 0x20FC00, length = 0x000400     /* XINTF zone 7 – data space */
   FLASHB      : origin = 0x330000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */

/* Allocate sections to memory blocks.
         codestart user defined section in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm used to redirect code                   execution when booting to flash
         ramfuncs  user defined section to store functions that will be copied from Flash into RAM
   /* Allocate program areas: */
   .cinit              : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .pinit              : > FLASHA,     PAGE = 0
   .text               : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   codestart           : > BEGIN       PAGE = 0
   ramfuncs            : LOAD = FLASHD,                         RUN = RAML0,                         LOAD_START(_RamfuncsLoadStart),
                         PAGE = 0

   csmpasswds          : > CSM_PWL     PAGE = 0
   csm_rsvd            : > CSM_RSVD    PAGE = 0
     /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
   .stack              : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1
   .ebss               : > RAML4       PAGE = 1
   .esysmem            : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1

   /* Initalized sections go in Flash */
   /* For SDFlash to program these, they must be allocated to page 0 */
   .econst             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .switch             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0     

   /* Allocate IQ math areas: */
   IQmath              : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0                  /* Math Code */
   IQmathTables     : > IQTABLES,  PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD     /* Uncomment the section below if calling the IQNexp() or IQexp()
      functions from the IQMath.lib library in order to utilize the      relevant IQ Math table in Boot ROM (This saves space and Boot ROM      is 1 wait-state). If this section is not uncommented, IQmathTables2
      will be loaded into other memory (SARAM, Flash, etc.) and will take
      up space, but 0 wait-state is possible.
   IQmathTables2    : > IQTABLES2, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD   {
                IQmath.lib<IQNexpTable.obj> (IQmathTablesRam)
     FPUmathTables    : > FPUTABLES, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD           /* Allocate DMA-accessible RAM sections: */
   DMARAML4         : > RAML4,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML5         : > RAML5,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML6         : > RAML6,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML7         : > RAML7,     PAGE = 1
     /* Allocate 0x400 of XINTF Zone 7 to storing data */
   ZONE7DATA        : > ZONE7B,    PAGE = 1

   /* .reset is a standard section used by the compiler.  It contains the */   /* the address of the start of _c_int00 for C Code.   /*
   /* When using the boot ROM this section and the CPU vector */
   /* table is not needed.  Thus the default type is set here to  */
   /* DSECT  */   .reset              : > RESET,      PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
   vectors             : > VECTORS     PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
     /* Allocate ADC_cal function (pre-programmed by factory into TI reserved memory) */
   .adc_cal     : load = ADC_CAL,   PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD



Mak he:

回复 Chen Jones:



未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » 添加了 InitAdc();函数脱机在Flash运行就有问题,将其屏蔽一切正常
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