

while( FCTL & 0x80 ); // wait for erase to complete


da qin zheng sheng:


da qin zheng sheng:

回复 da qin zheng sheng:


Tao Hong:

回复 da qin zheng sheng:

HalFlashRead(0x40,0x8000,arrr,1);改成这样后还是不行,不管写什么,读出来的一直是0XCD ?

da qin zheng sheng:

回复 Tao Hong:


da qin zheng sheng:

/*******************************************************************************  Filename:     flash_dma.c

  Description:  This example illustrates how to write data to flash memory using                DMA. The DMA transfer method is the preferred way to write to the   flash memory, since when using the DMA to write to flash, the code   can be executed from within flash memory.

                The default system clock HS RCOSC (16 Mhz) or HS XOSC (32 Mhz)                should be used.

                IAR might fail to show updated contents of flash, but if the                debugger is restarted, the data should be visible unless the                option "Erase flash" is chosen. The contents data written to                flash is read back to RAM to check if the flash write succeeded.


/******************************************************************************** INCLUDES*/#include <hal_types.h>#include <dma.h>// Include Name definitions of individual bits and bit-fields in the CC254x device registers.#include <ioCC254x_bitdef.h>// Include device specific file#if (chip==2541)#include "ioCC2541.h"#elif (chip==2543)#include "ioCC2543.h"#elif (chip==2544)#include "ioCC2544.h"#elif (chip==2545)#include "ioCC2545.h"#else#error "Chip not supported!"#endif

/******************************************************************************** CONSTANTS*/

/* One whole page of flash memory is to be reserved, i.e., 1 KiB. */#define PAGE_SIZE 1024

/* String length (exluding the terminal '\0'). */#define DATA_AMOUNT 16

/******************************************************************************** LOCAL VARIABLES*/

// The "string" that is to be written to flash ('\0' not included).static const char data[DATA_AMOUNT] = "Flash Controller";

/* The area in flash where the string (data written to flash) will be placed. * If not placed at an even absolute location, writing to an odd location would  * start at one byte before (or after) the address unless explicit action is made  * to avoid this. This is because the flash is addressed in words (2 bytes).    * Page 17 will be used, so the address is 0x4400 ( = 1024 * 17). */__no_init const unsigned short __code flashDataAddr[PAGE_SIZE] @ 0x4400;

// DMA configuration descriptor used for flash write.static DMA_DESC dmaConfig0;

/* String that is filled by reading from the data area that was written to in * flash. Can be used to debug the example, since the debugger may suggest that * nothing was written to flash. */static char writeCheck[DATA_AMOUNT];

/******************************************************************************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS*/

/******************************************************************************** @fn          main** @brief       Configures DMA channel 0, configures the flash controller,*              erases the page to be written to. Then the DMA is armed and*              triggered, which initiates the flash write. Upon completion of the*              write, the DMA channel 0 interrupt flag is cleared. Finally,*              the data written to flash is read back to RAM for debug purposes.** @param       void** @return      void*******************************************************************************/

void main(void){

    /* Configure DMA channel 0:     * SRCADDR:   address of the data to be written to flash (increasing).     * DESTADDR:  the flash controller data register (fixed), so that the     *            flash controller will write this data to flash.     * VLEN:      use LEN for transfer count.     * LEN:       equal to the number of bytes to be transferred.     * WORDSIZE:  each transfer should transfer one byte.     * TMODE:     should be set to single mode (see datasheet, DMA Flash Write).     *            Each flash write complete will re-trigger the DMA channel.     * TRIG:      let the DMA channel be triggered by flash data write complete     *            (trigger number 18). That is, the flash controller will trigger     *            the DMA channel when the Flash Write Data register, FWDATA, is     *            ready to receive new data.     * SRCINC:    increment by one byte.     * DESTINC:   fixed (always write to FWDATA).     * IRQMASK:   disable interrupts from this channel.     * M8:        0, irrelevant since we use LEN for transfer count.     * PRIORITY:  high.     */    dmaConfig0.SRCADDRH  = ((uint16)data >> 8) & 0x00FF;    dmaConfig0.SRCADDRL  = (uint16)data & 0x00FF;    dmaConfig0.DESTADDRH = ((uint16)&FWDATA >> 8) & 0x00FF;    dmaConfig0.DESTADDRL = (uint16)&FWDATA & 0x00FF;    dmaConfig0.VLEN      = DMA_VLEN_USE_LEN;    dmaConfig0.LENH      = (DATA_AMOUNT >> 8) & 0x00FF;    dmaConfig0.LENL      = DATA_AMOUNT & 0x00FF;    dmaConfig0.WORDSIZE  = DMA_WORDSIZE_BYTE;    dmaConfig0.TMODE     = DMA_TMODE_SINGLE;    dmaConfig0.TRIG      = DMA_TRIG_FLASH;    dmaConfig0.SRCINC    = DMA_SRCINC_1;    dmaConfig0.DESTINC   = DMA_DESTINC_0;    dmaConfig0.IRQMASK   = DMA_IRQMASK_ENABLE;    dmaConfig0.M8        = DMA_M8_USE_8_BITS;    dmaConfig0.PRIORITY  = DMA_PRI_HIGH;      /* The DMA configuration data structure may reside at any location in     * unified memory space, and the address location is passed to the DMA     * through DMA0CFGH:DMA0CFGL.     */    DMA0CFGH = ((uint16)&dmaConfig0 >> 8) & 0x00FF;    DMA0CFGL = (uint16)&dmaConfig0 & 0x00FF;      // Waiting for the flash controller to be ready.     while (FCTL & FCTL_BUSY);      /* Configuring the flash controller.      * FADDRH:FADDRL: point to the area in flash to write to.     */    uint16 addr;    addr = (uint16)flashDataAddr >> 2;    // You address 32-bit words through the flash controller.        FADDRH = (addr >> 8) & 0x00FF;    FADDRL = addr & 0x00FF;      // Erase the page that will be written to.    FCTL |= FCTL_ERASE;                  // Wait for the erase operation to complete.    while (FCTL & FCTL_BUSY);      // Arm the DMA channel, takes 9 system clock cycles.    DMAARM |= DMAARM_DMAARM0;    NOP();NOP();NOP();NOP();NOP();NOP();NOP();NOP();NOP(); // 9 NOPs      // Enable flash write. Generates a DMA trigger.    FCTL |= FCTL_WRITE;      // Wait for DMA transfer to complete.    while (!(DMAIRQ & DMAIRQ_DMAIF0));      // Wait until flash controller not busy.    while (FCTL & (FCTL_BUSY | FCTL_FULL));      /* By now, the transfer is completed, so the transfer count is reached.     * The DMA channel 0 interrupt flag is then set, so we clear it here.     */    DMAIRQ = ~DMAIRQ_DMAIF0;      // Clear interrupt flag by R/W0, see datasheet.      // Read from flash to check whether the write was successful.    uint8 i;    for (i = 0; i < DATA_AMOUNT/2; i++)    {        // flashDataAddr is read 2 bytes at a time.        writeCheck[2*i]   = flashDataAddr[i];        writeCheck[(2*i)+1] = (flashDataAddr[i] >> 8);    }

    // End function with infinite loop (for debugging purposes).     while(1);}

Tao Hong:

回复 da qin zheng sheng:

HalFlashErase(0x40); delays(10); while( FCTL & 0x80 ); // wait for erase to complete delays(10); HalFlashRead(0x40,0,arrr,1);


da qin zheng sheng:

回复 Tao Hong:


Tao Hong:

回复 da qin zheng sheng:

0x40就是第64页吧  按理说64页乘以2K,地址就到了0x20000了,但我仿真的时候XDATA最大就0xffff,我应该怎么看呢?

da qin zheng sheng:

回复 Tao Hong:

The flash page size has been reduced from 2 KB (2048 bytes) on CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, andCC2541 to 1 KB (1024 bytes) on CC2533. When performing page-erase operations on the flash memory,the page to be erased is addressed with the register bits FADDRH[6:0] on CC2533 as opposed toFADDRH[7:1] on CC2530, CC2531, CC2540, and CC2541.


da qin zheng sheng:

回复 Tao Hong:

#include <ioCC2530.h>unsigned char erase_page_num = 3; /* page number to erase, here: flash page #3 *//* Erase one flash page */EA = 0; /* disable interrupts */while (FCTL & 0x80); /* poll FCTL.BUSY and wait until flash controller is ready */FADDRH = erase_page_num << 1; /* select the flash page via FADDRH[7:1] bits */FCTL |= 0x01; /* set FCTL.ERASE bit to start page erase */while (FCTL & 0x80); /* optional: wait until flash write has completed (~20 ms) */EA = 1;

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