
cc2541 flash lock 怎麼使用?

Dear Ti,

看了doc 還是不懂flash lock怎麼使用





da qin zheng sheng:

Lock BitsFor software and/or access protection, a set of lock bits can be written to the upper available flashpage—the lock-bit page. The lock-bit structure consists of 128 bits where the first (FLASH_PAGES-1)each corresponds to the first flash pages available in the device. The last bit (at the highest address) isthe debug lock bit (see Table 3-5). The structure starts at address 0x7FF0 (address 0xFFF0 in XDATA)when the upper flash bank is mapped in, and occupies 16 bytes. The rest of the lock-bit page can be usedto store code or constants, but cannot be changed without entering debug mode.The PAGELOCK[FLASH_PAGES-2:0] lock-protect bits are used to enable erase and write protection forindividual flash memory pages (2 KB; 1 KB on CC2533). There is one bit for each available page.When the debug-lock bit, DBGLOCK, is set to 0 (see Table 3-5), all debug commands exceptCHIP_ERASE, READ_STATUS, and GET_CHIP_ID are disabled. The status of the debug-lock bit can beread using the READ_STATUS command (see Section 3.3.2).Note that after the debug-lock bit has changed due to a write to the lock-bit page or a CHIP_ERASEcommand, the device must be reset to lock or unlock the debug interface.Issuing a CHIP_ERASE command is the only way to clear the debug-lock bit, thereby unlocking the debuginterface.Table 3-5 defines the 16-byte structure containing the flash lock-protection bits. Bit 0 of the first bytecontains the lock bit for page 0, bit 1 of the first byte contains the lock bit for page 1, and so on. Bit 7 ofthe last byte in the flash is the DBGLOCK bit (bit 127 in the structure).

ben wei:

回复 da qin zheng sheng:

對不起,cc2541 好像找不到PAGELOCK跟DBGLOCK


da qin zheng sheng:

回复 ben wei:



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