
关于蓝牙BLEwiki上的high throughput Example问题

 BLEwiki上的high throughput Example中最后用到的frontline 蓝牙分析工具没有,怎样才能测量它的传输效率呢?用Ti 的sniffer 抓包能测量么?谢谢

Susan Yang:

You will need to use sniffer tools for checking the 时延以及吞吐量.

Btools is not able to support high data throughput due to PC and PC software. Smart Studio can test only the RF layer of the CC26xx without the BLE protocol. 

changjian huang:

回复 Susan Yang:

你好,我不太明白你的意思,我现在用的是两块cc2650板子来测量他们之间的传输速率,以前是通过计数发包来计算,看到wiki上是用frontline sniffer 这个软件来测量的,所以想问问ti的sniffer支不支持?谢谢。

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