现在正在将一个 CC2540的程序移植到CC2640上,
SimpleLink™Bluetooth®low energy CC2640 wireless MCU Software Developer’s Guide
11.2 OSAL
One of the big changes in moving to TI-RTOS is the application’s complete removal from the
OSAL environment. While the stack code still uses OSAL within its own thread, the application
thread can no longer use OSAL’s APIs, except for those defined inICallBleAPI.c. Many functions,
such as osal_memcpy() , osal_memcmp() and osal_mem_alloc() are now unavailable. In turn, they
have been replaced by TI-RTOS, C runtime and ICall APIs.
那请问,原来 CC2540上用的 osal_memcpy, osal_memcmp,osal_memset,osal_memcmp,osal_isbufset
Viki Shi:
请看一下 ICallBleAPI.c中的定义,路径是 C:\TI\simplelink\ble_cc26xx_2_01_00_44423\Projects\ble\ICall\Application
回复 Viki Shi:
哦,谢谢!我直接把 前缀osal_ 去掉就行了。