
LM96063 Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan Control speed RPM vs Tj temperature

Hello , I am glad to use LM96063 to high power consumption FPGA for cooling FAN control . As I known this is automatically control the FAN speed when FPGA heat up . The FPGA DXP and DXN pin is diode sernsor pin which is linked to LM96063 to control the cooling FAN speed.

My first question is how I can know the relationship for FAN SPEED vs Tj of chip ? Is it right that the high Tj the chip , the high speed the fan?

The second question is if I want using a fixed FAN SPEED like RPM 500, how can I do I with setting ?




Jack Li:

Hi Gary,

A1: Fan speeddepends on the remote temperature data, the Lookup table( speed vs T) and some register setting. and there are 12 steps lookup table inside.

A2:Please refer to Application Note section,on page 33 of datasheet. you can use 500PPM to calculate the register value.


Huang Wenke:

回复 Jack Li:

Thanks for your reply .

In "A1" , "the Lookup table( speed vs T) and some register setting. and there are 12 steps lookup table inside. " . How I can know tis lookup table and 12 steps?Is it inside the datasheet( But I never see it ) ? Or in somewhere?

How can I find this speed Vs T ?

Thanks for your clarification .

Gary huang

Kailyn Chen:

回复 Huang Wenke:

Register 50~67 is the lookup table.It is on datasheet P22:

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