请问tuss4470在开始执行mode1 ,使用io1 io2 发射超声波脉冲时,有没有可能关闭同步在vout上产生的高位脉冲,而只是在回波到达时,输出回波。
Kailyn Chen:
您好,根据datasheet上的描述,我的理解是说 在没有overlap的脉冲或脉冲之间有个最小间隔的non-overlap的条件下,是不会终止或者关闭产生的高位脉冲的。
A systematic condition of overlap can cause a continuos end of burst trigger such that OUTA and OUTB do not toggle even though IO1 and IO2 are toggling. TI recommends no overlap or minimum non-overlap between the IO1 and IO2 signals when measured at the pins。