Reg[0x00] = 0x7f
Reg[0x01] = 0x06
Reg[0x02] = 0x6d
Reg[0x03] = 0x3e
Reg[0x04] = 0xc6
Reg[0x05] = 0x17
Reg[0x06] = 0x62
Reg[0x07] = 0x8d
Reg[0x08] = 0x03
Reg[0x09] = 0x44
Reg[0x0a] = 0x93
Reg[0x0b] = 0x67
Reg[0x0c] = 0x30 //Charge Safety Timer Expiration
Reg[0x0d] = 0xd6
Reg[0x0e] = 0x3c
Reg[0x0f] = 0x4e
Reg[0x10] = 0x52
Reg[0x11] = 0xe2
Reg[0x12] = 0x00
Reg[0x13] = 0x3f
Reg[0x14] = 0x39
bq2589x 3-006a: bq2589x_charger_irq_workfunc:adapter plugged in
bq2589x 3-006a: bq2589x_charger_irq_workfunc:charge fault:80 //REG80 value = 0x80, 1- Watchdog timer expiration, 怎么一开始就出现看门狗定时器过期?
bq2589x 3-006a: bq2589x_adapter_in_workfunc:usb dcp adapter plugged in
bq2589x 3-006a: bq2589x_adapter_in_workfunc: Set charge current to 4508mA successfully
bq2589x 3-006a: bq2589x_ico_workfunc:ICO command issued successfully
bq2589x 3-006a: bq2589x_adjust_absolute_vindpm:Set absolute vindpm threshold 11200 successfully
bq2589x 3-006a: bq2589x_charger_irq_workfunc:charge fault:30
Johnsin Tao:
When thecharger is in default mode, WATCHDOG_FAULT bit is HIGH. When the charger is in host mode, WATCHDOG_FAULT bit is LOW.可以先到默认模式看,在确认其他寄存器设置。