Curly Li:
一般是通过RC控制延迟时间, t = RC*Ln[(V1-V0)/(V1-Vt)],其中Vo是电容的初始电压,V1是充满电的电压,求充电到90%VCC的时间t/RC=ln(10) ln10约等于2.3,
也就是t=2.3RC, 举例:R=10k C=10uf得,t=2.3*10k*10uf=230ms,
zhiyuan HU:
回复 Curly Li:
我要把这个TPS76901延迟0.225ms启动,我的这个接法对不对啊?这是对EN的定义介绍:A voltage of 1.7 V or greater on the ENinput will disable the TPS769xx internal circuitry, reducing the supply current to 1µA. A voltage of less than 0.9 V on the ENinput will enable the TPS769xx and will enable normal operation to resume. The ENinput does not include any deliberate hysteresis, and it exhibits an actual switching threshold of approximately 1.5 V.
zhiyuan HU:
回复 Curly Li:
我要把这个TPS76901延迟0.225ms启动,我的这个接法对不对啊? 这是对EN的定义介绍:A voltage of 1.7 V or greater on the ENinput will disable the TPS769xx internal circuitry, reducing the supply current to 1µA. A voltage of less than 0.9 V on the ENinput will enable the TPS769xx and will enable normal operation to resume. The ENinput does not include any deliberate hysteresis, and it exhibits an actual switching threshold of approximately 1.5 V.
zhiyuan HU:
回复 Curly Li:
Curly Li:
回复 zhiyuan HU:
TPS76901是低电平使能,大于或等于1.7v的电压会关闭TPS76901,如果低于0.9v会使能TPS76901, 如果要延迟0.225ms启动可以尝试通过RC+三级管的方式实现,
zhiyuan HU:
回复 Curly Li:
Curly Li:
回复 zhiyuan HU:
Jason Shen:
估算,RC = 秒, 1RC 时电容上电压为0.63电源电压。2RC时电容上电压为0.83电源电压。3RC时电容上的电压为0.95电源电压。
你需要的延时约为1.5RC = 0.225ms,则RC为0.15m,取R=10K,则C约为0.015uF,选个15-20nF的电容,能满足225uS的延时。