在使用TI公司的EV2300调试bq33100芯片时,Manufacture Access栏中输入了0x0020指令,将芯片锁上了。请问,如何解锁,以方便继续调试?
Hugo Zhang:
The order of the bytes, when entered in ManufacturerAccess, is the reverse of what is written to or read from the
part. For example, if the 1st and 2nd word of the UnSealKey block read returns 0x1234 and 0x5678, then inManufacturerAccess, 0x3412 and 0x7856 should be entered to unseal the part.
回复 Hugo Zhang:
您所引用的文字中的上一句说到:This read- or write-block command allows the user to change the Unseal key for the Sealed-to-Unsealed security-state transition. This function is only available when the bq33100 is in the Unsealed mode, indicated by a cleared [SS] flag. 也就是说,0x60这条指令只能在ss没有被置位时有效,但是因为我之前的误操作,已经将ss置位了,还能用这条UnSealKey指令吗?如何用?
回复 Hugo Zhang:
回复 Hugo Zhang:
Sealed to Unsealed : Instructs the bq33100 to extend access to the SBS and data flash space and clears the [SS] flag. In unsealed mode, all data, SBS, and DF have read and write access. Unsealing is a 2 step command performed by writing the 1st word of the UnSealKey to ManufacturerAccess followed by the second word of the UnSealKey to ManufacturerAccess. The unseal key can be read and changed through the extended SBS block command UnSealKey when in Unsealed Mode. To return to the Sealed mode, either a hardware reset is needed, or the ManufacturerAccess Seal command is needed.这是文中的解锁方法。但是里面又说到:The unseal key can be read and changed through the extended SBS block command UnSealKey when in Unsealed Mode.但是我事先并不知道这个解锁密码。请问芯片的初始密码是多少?用户手册里的default value显示为–。请问,解锁密码是多少?急啊!锁住了都不能开展测评工作了。
Star Xu:
回复 user4668267:
回复 Star Xu:
用什么指令读?0x60指令吗?但是,我已经处于sealed mode了哦。
回复 Star Xu:
像我现在这种没有事先读取Full Access Key 和UNSeal Key的倒霉鬼是否就意味着这粒bq33100芯片废掉了?
Hugo Zhang:
回复 user4668267:
默认的Unsealed密码是0x1234 and 0x5678,
具体的操作就是in ManufacturerAccess, 0x3412 and 0x7856 should be entered to unseal the part.
回复 Hugo Zhang:
我后来换了颗新的芯片上去,发送0x60指令过去,读取到值是 1402 7236。请问这个是默认的UnsealKey吗?
Hugo Zhang:
回复 user4668267:
那应该是你读到的值。建议你也把Full Access Key也读出来。