err:Unable for read iic ADC and offset from connected device.please ensure a powered bq76930 is conneced to the iic communications lines on the communication adapter and slave address is correct. restart this tool when resolved .you may continue but defualt values for ADC offset will be used.
Star Xu:
Some suggested debug steps:
Be sure the 4 pin cable is connected from the EV2300 I2C connector to the EVM I2C connector. It will not talk
After pressing the boot button, measure the voltage of REGOUT with respect to GND. It should be 2.5V.
Check the voltage on the SCL and SDA signals, each should be pulled up to 2.5V also. There are board test points and these same signals should get to the 4 pin connector, but sometimes it is good to check multiple places.
If there is no 2.5V, check to see that the lower dip switches are closed, the top one must be if you have the red LED. Refer to the schematic in the EVM user guide to find the missing IC supply voltage. Check for board damage from shipping or handling.
Check that CAP1 voltage is 3.3V after boot. If not, look for shorts/opens.
Ohm the 4 pin cable. The boards are tested, I don't know about the cables.
Try a different 4 pin cable, there should be one with each EVM. A deformed or contaminated pin could prevent contact. It has been some years since I saw a bad cable but it is possible and has happened.
Check for bent or contaminated pins on the EV2300 I2C connector. EV2300's are supposed to be tested also.
Check the value in the "I2C Target Device Address" box at the right top of the bq76940 evaluation software window. This should be "08" for the EVM. If a value was somehow wrong it won't talk. It will remember the last used value.
If you have voltage on the I2C lines and the right address, check the SCL and SDA signals on the board with an oscilloscope. You should see the signals move when you read with the tool such as "Read Byte" or "Update Display"
If you have the EV2400, try it instead of the EV2300. The EV2400 should talk to the bq769x0 through I2C. (Also, a firmware update is now available for the EV2400 also to allow it to work with the bq78350 and bqStudio, see "EV2400 Firmware Updater" in the Software section of www.ti.com/tool/EV2400 The text on the EVM pages has not been updated yet.)
jidong huang:
回复 Cheng.W:
你好,我在TS1上加了一个脉冲开关,给BQ76930输出了一个>1v脉冲信号,之后测量TS1口 2.5V SCL,SDA口上拉都是3.3V,REGOUT口 3.3V,这个状态76930是否已经激活?
Star Xu:
回复 jidong huang:
这个状态是已经激活了,连battery management studio 能通讯吗
jidong huang:
回复 Star Xu:
你好,我用battery management studio软件连接EV2300后显示连接如图,这种状态是正常连接么?
Star Xu:
回复 jidong huang:
jidong huang:
回复 Star Xu:
jidong huang:
回复 jidong huang:
回复 jidong huang:
jidong huang:
回复 Cheng.W: