


yue feng1:



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yue feng1:

回复 user5087110:

你好,我的样板要过段时间才能拿到,所以现在也只是研究Datasheet和搭建软件。我刚刚仔细看datasheet, ALERT确实有CC更新中断功能,但不止这一个功能,同时还具有fault evevt功能。所以是不是fault evevt影响。另,你的MCU是怎样区分这两种中断的。

The bq769x0 provides two low-side FET drivers, charge (CHG) and discharge (DSG), which may be usedto directly manipulate low-side power NCH FETs, or as signals that control an external circuit that enableshigh-side PCH or NCH FETs. A dedicated ALERT input/output pin serves as an interrupt signal to the hostmicrocontroller, quickly informing the microcontroller of an updated status in the AFE. This may include afault event or that a coulomb counter sample is available for reading. An available ALERT pin may also bedriven externally by a secondary protector to provide a redundant means of disabling the CHG and DSGsignals and higher system visibility.

The Protection subsystem provides a baseline or secondary level of hardware protections to bettersupport a battery pack’s FMEA requirements in the event of a loss of host control or simply if a host isunable to respond to a certain fault event in time. Integrated protections include pack-level faults suchas OV, UV, OCD, SCD, detection of an external secondary protector fault, and internal logic“watchdog”-style device fault (XREADY). Protection events will trigger toggling of the ALERT pin, aswell as automatic disabling of the DSG and/or CHG FET driver (depending on the fault). Recoveryfrom a fault event must be handled by the host microcontrolle

In ALWAYS ON mode, the CC runs at 100%, gathering a fresh reading every 250 ms. The conclusionof each reading sets the CC_READY bit, which toggles the ALERT pin high to inform themicrocontroller that a new reading is available. To enable Always On mode, set [CC_EN] = 1.

Overcurrent in Discharge (OCD) and Short Circuit in Discharge (SCD) are implemented using sampledanalog comparators that run at 32 kHz, and that continuously monitor the voltage across (SRP–SRN)while the device is in NORMAL mode. Upon detection of a voltage that exceeds the programmed OCD orSCD threshold, a counter begins to count up to a programmed delay setting. If the counter reaches itstarget value, the SYS_STAT register is updated to indicate the fault condition, the FET state(s) areupdated as shown in表7-1, and the ALERT pin is driven high to interrupt the host.


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