Dear Sir:
在使用BQ24040时,TS脚不需用来检测电池温度,采用MCU控制TS脚来实现使能和关断功能。发现档TS脚被拉低时,BQ24040有时候会关断充电功能,有时候不会关断,甚至有时候是1/2 快充电流(ISET1设置电流)充电。做实验时,是用线直接短到地和将TS用0K电阻直接连到地来实现的。
请问下为何实现不了用TS来使能BQ24040的功能? 是有哪个地方没有注意到吗 ?
Johnsin Tao:
Star Xu:
If the MSP430 is connect to the TS pin as an "open drain", the processor can drive the TS pin low and then high to start a new charger.If the processor gets cut-ff, then the connection to the TS pin should be an open drain so the charger can power up when an input source is available.
The OR gate is a way to enable a system with the ASO signal once a power source is available.This could be used to sequence an event after the charger power is applied.
Jonas zhang:
回复 Johnsin Tao:
谢谢,我们去尝试一下。但是您知道为什么我们用线直接对地为什么不能很好的实现吗? 包括用0ohm电阻做测试。