
bq24735中turbo mode的理解

从BQ24735的datasheet中有一段关于turbo mode的介绍

The bq24735 supports Turbo Boost function when the adapter is above 16 V. During Turbo Boost mode, battery
discharge energy is delivered to system when system power demand is temporarily higher than adapter
maximum power level so that adapter will not crash. After POR, the ChargeOption() bit [3] is 0 which disable
Turbo Boost function. To enable it, the ChargeOption() bit [3] must be written to 1 by the host.
When input current is higher than the FAST_DPM comparator threshold, if Turbo Boost function is enabled,
charger IC will allow battery discharge and charger converter will change from buck converter to boost converter.
During Turbo Boost mode the adapter current is regulated at input current limit level so that adapter will not
crash. The battery discharge current depends on system current requirement and adapter current limit. The
SMBus timer can be enabled to prevent converter running at Turbo Boost mode for too long.

1.请问“system power demand is temporarily higher than adapter maximum power level”请问IC如何判断adapter达到了最大功率。

2.“if Turbo Boost function is enabled,charger IC will allow battery discharge and charger converter will change from buck converter to boost converter”请问线路都已经做成了BUCK,IC如何使其变成BOOST线路。

Star Xu:

1. input current is higher than the FAST_DPM comparator threshold通过这个条件判断
2. 当负载功率突然升高,已经超过了adapger的最大功率,这时电池进入boost mode 进行放电,与adapter 同时进行供电,这样防止adapter损坏。

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