
BQ25606 OTG功能咨询

请问下 OTG PIN脚 一直拉高,  Boost Mode模式下,VBUS上是否会出现5V?

    另外在这种模式下 Boost Mode模式下,插上5V适配器(普通适配器,只有5V 和GND),是否会切换成普通充电模式? 如不会是否IC会有指示 有适配器插入? 可以根据此来判断设置OTG脚来切换模式了?



Star Xu:

 If OTG is enabled and only the battery is connected, then VBAT must be above 3 V to support OTG mode, as shown in the EC table below. In OTG mode, the BQ25606 will maintain 5.15 V at VBUS, and VSYS will be equal to VBAT minus the voltage drop across the BATFET. Please see Section 8.3.3 in the datasheet for more details about OTG mode operation.

Star Xu:

回复 Star Xu:

when the device is running in OTG mode, plugging is an adaptor will not be detected and the device keeps operating in Boost mode.

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