
关于BQ78350-R1 BAT与 ExtAveCellVoltage 的关系

在bq78350-R1 Technical Reference上有说

ExtAveEN (Bit 4): Enables the bq78350-R1 to measure the BAT input
0 = BAT input is not measured.
1 = BAT input is measured and made available via ExtAveCellVoltage() (default)

能否给出 BAT产生 ExtAveCellVoltage() 的公式


Star Xu:

这个公式没有提供, 如何设置ExtAveCellVoltage请看下面的说明
The gauge can use either the Ext Avg Cell voltage or by default the lowest cell voltage for gauging. If the EDV_EXT_CELL bit is set in the CEDV Gauging Configuration data memory then the Ext Avg Cell voltage would be used. If you don't want to use the average cell selection the BAT pin divider is not needed, the BAT pin could be connected to GND.


回复 Star Xu:


这样的话,R47 与 R48的参数如何确定呢?

Star Xu:

回复 user4723031:


关于R47您不能用NTC或者PTC,you would prefer stable resistors over temperature for the voltage divider. For a general pull up or pull down resistor you may not care if you have 100ppm/C or more change but here you might want good performance.

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