Quadrature encoders from different manufacturers come with two forms of index pulse (gated index pulse or ungated index pulse) as shown in Figure 3. A nonstandard form of index pulse is ungated. In the ungated configuration, the index edges are not necessarily coincident with A and B signals. The gated index pulse is aligned to any of the four quadrature edges and width of the index pulse and can be equal to a quarter, half, or full period of the quadrature signal.
也就是说index信号捕获和时序有关,因为芯片处于 ungated状态了,及截止状态了。所以更改了程序,在检测捕获A、B、Z的IO口电平信号在特定电平的情况下(例如A= 1,B=1,Z=0)才启动eQEP的配置,但是仍然没有解决捕获编码器Z信号(index信号)失败的现象。请问上面的理解正确吗,对于编码器捕获index信号的失败有没有好的解决办法,谢谢!