目前用BQ76940+MCU做了一个15串的电池板子,调试时候发现电池电压增加到53V左右时候, DEVICE_XREADY会置位,MCU发指令清除后又会重新置位,程序快速清除又置位会导致MCU读取数据混乱;目前做过以下测试:
1. 总电池电压低于50V时候都正常,只有电压高于53V左右才出现此问题;
2. 把15串中其中一节电压调到2V,总体电压高于54V时候,没有出现此问题;
3. 去掉MCU与AFE的通信连接,使用BQ76940上位机测试又是正常的;
Star Xu:
XREADY is a status of the a previous or current communication fault. many a times, the problem is the UPPER cells are in UNDER VOLTAGE mode after the WAKE pulse. The Upper groups is NOT communicating. Likewise, to enter SHIPMODE, the lower group has to get ACK from the upper group. A common issue is CAP2 or CAP 3 is become leaky. Check the VCAP voltage. Make certain, after issuing the SHIPmode command, all the groups are being turned off. CAP 3, CAP2 and voltage on SCL should be pulled LOW.