



Star Xu:

To achieve fast charging, high voltage (9V/12V) adapter with USB compatibility (5V) is required. TI refers such adapters as HVDCP (High Voltage Dedicated Charging Port) in general. Several companies have proprietary handshake to achieve this goal. However these handshakes are not industry standard, hence

TI does not claim compatibility. QC2.0/3.0 is one that uses D+/D- handshake, while Mediatek PumpExpress is another one. These adapters all have an interface chip such as CHY100 (Power Integration) and iW62x (iWatt) included inside to handle the protocol. From market perspective, a lot of system vendors support this type of adapters with their own naming such as Adaptive Fast Charge (Samsung), Turbo Charge (Motorola), Boost Master (Asus). With so many different naming, there is not a standard for us to claim compatibility. TI has tested and confirmed bq2589x can support HVDCP with these interface chips that includes Mediatek PumpExpress or QC2.0 support.

未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » BQ25890可以支持QC快充协议,需要附加其他IC么?主控需要做特殊软件配置么?
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