首先因为 28337片上RAM和FLASH不够,先把些数据保存在sd_card上,于是把C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\F2837xD\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\sd_card 下面的工程导入了CCS,结果是如图1,
下载flash版本的blinky_cpu01: 报下面的错:
C28xx_CPU1: Error: Failed unlocking device (zone 1) during Flash Operation.
C28xx_CPU1: Error: Failed unlocking device (zone 2) during Flash Operation.
C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Setting Breakpoint with the Action "Remain Halted" at 0xc15f: (Error -1066 @ 0xC15F) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package 5.1.450.0)C28xx_CPU1: Breakpoint Manager: Retrying with a AET breakpoint
C28xx_CPU1: Error writing the PLL values. (Flash algoirthm returned error code). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\ti\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\blinky\cpu01\ccs\CPU1_FLASH\blinky_cpu01.out: Load failed.
下载ram版本的blinky_cpu01: 报下面的错:
C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x00000000 Please verify target memory and memory map.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\ti\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\blinky\cpu01\ccs\CPU1_RAM\blinky_cpu01.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.
Yu Song1:
首先因为 28337片上RAM和FLASH不够,先把些数据保存在sd_card上,于是把C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\F2837xD\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\sd_card 下面的工程导入了CCS,结果是如图1,
下载flash版本的blinky_cpu01: 报下面的错:
C28xx_CPU1: Error: Failed unlocking device (zone 1) during Flash Operation.
C28xx_CPU1: Error: Failed unlocking device (zone 2) during Flash Operation.
C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Setting Breakpoint with the Action "Remain Halted" at 0xc15f: (Error -1066 @ 0xC15F) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package 5.1.450.0)C28xx_CPU1: Breakpoint Manager: Retrying with a AET breakpoint
C28xx_CPU1: Error writing the PLL values. (Flash algoirthm returned error code). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\ti\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\blinky\cpu01\ccs\CPU1_FLASH\blinky_cpu01.out: Load failed.
下载ram版本的blinky_cpu01: 报下面的错:
C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x00000000 Please verify target memory and memory map.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\ti\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\blinky\cpu01\ccs\CPU1_RAM\blinky_cpu01.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.
Charles Ji:
回复 Yu Song1:
首先因为 28337片上RAM和FLASH不够,先把些数据保存在sd_card上,于是把C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\F2837xD\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\sd_card 下面的工程导入了CCS,结果是如图1,
下载flash版本的blinky_cpu01: 报下面的错:
C28xx_CPU1: Error: Failed unlocking device (zone 1) during Flash Operation.
C28xx_CPU1: Error: Failed unlocking device (zone 2) during Flash Operation.
C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Setting Breakpoint with the Action "Remain Halted" at 0xc15f: (Error -1066 @ 0xC15F) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package 5.1.450.0)C28xx_CPU1: Breakpoint Manager: Retrying with a AET breakpoint
C28xx_CPU1: Error writing the PLL values. (Flash algoirthm returned error code). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\ti\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\blinky\cpu01\ccs\CPU1_FLASH\blinky_cpu01.out: Load failed.
下载ram版本的blinky_cpu01: 报下面的错:
C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x00000000 Please verify target memory and memory map.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\ti\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\blinky\cpu01\ccs\CPU1_RAM\blinky_cpu01.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.
Yu Song1:
回复 Charles Ji:
首先因为 28337片上RAM和FLASH不够,先把些数据保存在sd_card上,于是把C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\F2837xD\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\sd_card 下面的工程导入了CCS,结果是如图1,
下载flash版本的blinky_cpu01: 报下面的错:
C28xx_CPU1: Error: Failed unlocking device (zone 1) during Flash Operation.
C28xx_CPU1: Error: Failed unlocking device (zone 2) during Flash Operation.
C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Setting Breakpoint with the Action "Remain Halted" at 0xc15f: (Error -1066 @ 0xC15F) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package 5.1.450.0)C28xx_CPU1: Breakpoint Manager: Retrying with a AET breakpoint
C28xx_CPU1: Error writing the PLL values. (Flash algoirthm returned error code). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\ti\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\blinky\cpu01\ccs\CPU1_FLASH\blinky_cpu01.out: Load failed.
下载ram版本的blinky_cpu01: 报下面的错:
C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x00000000 Please verify target memory and memory map.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\ti\v120\F2837xD_examples_Cpu1\blinky\cpu01\ccs\CPU1_RAM\blinky_cpu01.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.
Weibo Han: