1.ADS1118和单片机(我用的是MSP430F149)通信要使用SPI通信协议,但我现在不清楚如何读取模数转换之后的数字量,比如说怎么使用SPI中断读取数据?仅仅只用在中断函数体中写 “Data = U0RXBUF” 吗??
3.但检测 ADS1118 的 DOUT 引脚时却出现这样的波形,不论有没有模拟量输入都是的波形,如下图,这我就费解了…
程序如下(我用的是默认配置,没有修改):(我使用的是IAR Embedded Workbench进行编程的)
#include <msp430x14x.h>
#define CPU_F ((double)8000000)#define delay_us(x) __delay_cycles((long)(CPU_F*(double)x/1000000.0))#define delay_ms(x) __delay_cycles((long)(CPU_F*(double)x/1000.0))
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
#define CS_L P2OUT = 0X00
#define CS_H P2OUT = 0Xff
#define LED_ON P1OUT = 0xff
#define LED_OFF P1OUT = 0x00
char cmd[] = {0x05,0xeb,0x00,0x00},SLV_Data = 0xFF;
uint a = 0,U0TX_BYTE=1;
void SPI_WRITE()
uint i;
TXBUF0 = cmd[i]; // Transmit first character
//U0TX_BYTE = 0;
int main(void)
unsigned int i;
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT P1OUT = 0x000; // Setup P1.0 for LED output
P1DIR |= 0x0ff;
P2DIR |= 0X0FF;
P3SEL = 0x00E; // Setup P3 for SPI mode
P3OUT = 0x020; // Setup P3.4 for Scope trigger and
P3DIR |= 0x030; // P3.5 for slave initialization
U0CTL = CHAR + SYNC + MM + SWRST; // 8-bit, SPI, Master
U0TCTL = SSEL1 + STC; // SMCLK, 3-wire
U0BR0 = 0x002; // SPICLK = SMCLK/2
U0BR1 = 0x000;
U0MCTL = 0x000;
ME1 = USPIE0; // Module enable
U0CTL &= ~SWRST; // SPI enable
IE1 |= URXIE0; // Recieve interrupt enable
_EINT(); // Enable interrupts
P3OUT &= ~0x020; // Toggle P3.5: slave reset
P3OUT |= 0x020;
i = 50000; // Delay
do (i–);
while (i != 0);
while (1)
//SPI_WRITE(); // Transmit first character
while ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);
TXBUF0 = 0x05; //给ADS1118发送数据 TXBUF0 = 0x8B;
TXBUF0 = 0x00;
TXBUF0 = 0x00;
LPM0; // CPU off
} // End Main
#pragma vector = USART0RX_VECTOR
__interrupt void SPI0_rx (void)
//P3OUT ^= 0x010; // XOR P3.4 for scope trigger while ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0); // USART0 TX buffer ready?
//P1OUT = 0XFF;
TXBUF0 = 0x05;
TXBUF0 = 0xeb;
TXBUF0 = 0x00;
TXBUF0 = 0x00;
SPI的主设备(单片机)如果不发送数据的话,是不会有clock信号的,所以读取转换结果的时候,可以在单片机端发送0X00或0XFF,这样可以为ADS1118输出数据提供clock信号,不会改变ADS1118的配置寄存器(跟NOP1/0位有关,详见数据手册22页)。单片机端发送0X00或0XFF后,ADS1118返回的数据将会进入RXBUF,如果你的程序是采用SPI中断读取数据的话,那么在中断函数里面写“Data = U0RXBUF” 可以读到转换结果或配置寄存器的值。
数据读取的时序可以参考数据手册23页DATA RETRIEVAL章节。你可以将你写入的配置寄存器值读出,校验一下是否正确,这可以顺便确认一下通信时序是否正确。
能否将SPI的SCLK , SDO, SDI, CS这几个引脚的时序在示波器上同时抓出来?单独一个引脚的时序难于分析。
AIN0接正电压,AIN1接地这个连接方式是否合理需要根据配置寄存器里面的MUX[2:0], PGA[2:0]这几个位而定,你的正电压是给的是多少V?
xiaowen chu:
回复 Martin:
首先十分感谢Martin先生的热心帮助,现在情况是这样的,我更换了主控制器,现在使用的是Launchpad msp430G2553,也换了ADS1118,SPI的SCLK , SDO, SDI, CS这几个引脚的时序如下:
图1 SCLK时序图
图2 SDO时序图
图3 SDI时序图
图4 CS时序图
在抓出的这4幅图里面,我发现 SDI 的波形有些奇怪,我配置的 MUX[2:0] = 100 即 AINP = AIN0,AINN is GND;PGA[2:0] = 010 即 FS = 正负2.048V,在实际硬件连接里我 AIN0 接 +3.5V,那按此配置的话,应该从ADS1118接收到的数据是7FFFH才对啊,那为什么会出现 SDI 那样的波形?
#include <msp430g2553.h>
/* * ======== Grace related includes ======== *///#include <ti/mcu/msp430/csl/CSL.h>
/* * ======== Function Calls ======== */
void uart_txc(char c);void uart_txstr(char *c);/* "hex2asc" Converts a 32-bit integer n into an ASCII string.
digs is the maximum number of digits to display. Conversion is controlledby mode, as follows:
– mode = 0: Leading zeroes are not printed. The string may be less than digs digits long.- mode = 1: Spaces are printed in place of leading zeroes. The string will be digs digits long.- mode = 2: Leading zeroes are printed. The string will be digs digits long.
If the number is zero, at least one zero is printed in all modes.
This routine works by converting n to an 8-byte BCD number and callinghex2asc. No division by 10 is performed.*/
int hex2asc(void *n, int digs, int mode, char *s);
void ADS_Config(void);void ADS_Read(int data[]);void Send_Result(int *data);void Port_Config(void);signed int WriteSPI(unsigned int config, int mode);void delay(void);
#define h2a(d) ((d>9)?(d+'A'-10):(d+'0'))#define LITTLEENDIAN 1
/* * ======== main ======== */int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int i = 0; CSL_init(); // Activate Grace-generated configuration // >>>>> Fill-in user code here <<<<<
// Initialize TC data array
signed int data[6];
// Port configuration Port_Config();
// Set ADS1118 configuration ADS_Config(); while (1) { // Read the data from both input pairs ADS_Read(data);
// Transmit the data out the UART Send_Result(data); P1OUT = (data[0] >> (i))& 0x0001; i++; if(i == 16) i = 0; }
return (0);}
void Port_Config(void){ // Set P1.0, P1.3, P1.4, P2.1, P2.2, P2.4, P2.5, P2.6 and P2.7 low
P1OUT = 0x00; P2OUT = 0x01 ;}
/* * Initial configuration routine. A header file could be created, but the configuration is really rather simple. * In this case a 16-bit value representing the register contents is set to variable temp */void ADS_Config(void){ int i;
unsigned int temp;
// Set the configuration to AIN0/AIN1, FS=+/-1.024, SS, DR=128sps, PULLUP on DOUT //temp = 0x78A; temp = 0x458A;
// Set CS low and write configuration P2OUT &= ~BIT0;
// Write the configuration WriteSPI(temp,0);
// Set CS high to end transaction P2OUT |= BIT0;}
void ADS_Read(int data[]){ unsigned int j, temp;
// Set the configuration to AIN0/AIN1, FS=+/-1.024, SS, DR=128sps, PULLUP on DOUT //temp = 0x78A; temp = 0x458A;
// Set CS low and write configuration P2OUT &= ~BIT0;
// First the data is captured by writing to each device to take start a conversion for A0-A1 WriteSPI(temp,1);
// Set CS high to end transaction P2OUT |= BIT0;
/** Now we pause slightly before reading the data, or it is possible to either poll the DOUT/DRDY or enable an interrupt* where the DOUT/DRDY transition from high to low triggers a read. In this case it is kept quite simple with a delay*/
delay(); // May be needed depending on method
// When we read the data we restart the conversion with new mux channel A1 (此处不明白为什么要重新选择另外一个通道开启转换,难道不能只对一个通道的电压值进行转换吗?本函数以下的语句可以去掉吗?)
//temp = 0x378A; temp = 0x558A;
// Set CS low and write configuration P2OUT &= ~BIT0;
// Read the earlier conversion result and set to the new configuration data[0] = WriteSPI(temp,1);
delay(); // May be needed depending on method
// Read second channel data data[1]=WriteSPI(temp,0);
// Set CS high to end transaction P2OUT |= BIT0;
signed int WriteSPI(unsigned int config, int mode){ signed int msb; unsigned int temp; char dummy;
temp = config;
if (mode==1) temp = config | 0x8000; // if mode is set to 1, this command should initiate a conversion
/* * The process of communication chosen is to always send the configuration and read it back * this results in a four byte transaction. The configuration is 16-bit (or 2 bytes) and is transmitted twice. * */ while(!(UC0IFG&UCB0TXIFG)); // Make sure buffer is clear
/* * First time configuration is written */
UCB0TXBUF = (temp >> 8 ); // Write MSB of Config while(!(UC0IFG&UCB0RXIFG)); msb=UCB0RXBUF; // Read MSB of Result
UCB0TXBUF= (temp & 0xff); // Write LSB of Config while(!(UC0IFG&UCB0RXIFG)); msb = (msb << 8) | UCB0RXBUF ; //Read LSB of Result
/* * Second time configuration is written, although data could be sent as NOP in either transmission, just simplified in this case */
while(!(UC0IFG&UCB0TXIFG)); UCB0TXBUF = (temp >> 8 ); // Write MSB of Config
while(!(UC0IFG&UCB0RXIFG)); dummy=UCB0RXBUF; // Read MSB of Config
/* * One advantage of reading the config data is that DOUT/DRDY is forced high which makes it possible to either poll the state or set an interrupt */ while(!(UC0IFG&UCB0TXIFG)); UCB0TXBUF= (temp & 0xff); // Write LSB of Config
while(!(UC0IFG&UCB0RXIFG)); dummy=UCB0RXBUF; //Read LSB of Config
return msb;}
/* * Following code relates to formatting the data for transmission on UART */
void Send_Result(int *data){ unsigned int i; int intval = 0; char char_array[5];
// Poke out data uart_txstr("TEMPS:"); uart_txc('\r'); uart_txc('\n'); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { intval = data[i]; hex2asc(&intval, 4, 2, char_array); uart_txstr(char_array); uart_txc('\r'); uart_txc('\n'); }}
int hex2asc(void *npos, int digs, int mode, char *s){ int i,zero; char dig; char *spos=s; char *n=(char *)npos;
zero=1;#if LITTLEENDIAN n+=(digs-1)>>1;#else n+=(16-digs)>>1;#endif for (i=digs-1;i>=0;–i) { if (i&1) { dig=(*(char *)n>>4)&15; } else { dig=*(char *)n&15;#if LITTLEENDIAN –n;#else ++n;#endif } if (zero&&dig) zero=0; if (zero) { switch(mode) { case 1: *spos++=' '; break; case 2: *spos++='0'; break; default: break; } } else *spos++=h2a(dig); } if (zero&&mode==1) *(spos-1)='0'; else if (zero&&mode==0) *spos++='0'; *spos=0; return spos-s;}void uart_txc(char c){ while (!((UC0IFG&UCA0TXIFG))); UCA0TXBUF=c;
void uart_txstr(char *c){ while (*c) uart_txc(*(c++));}
void delay(void){ unsigned int k;
for (k = 8000; k = 0; k–) __no_operation();
hengzhi tian:
wenxiu xu:
Alex W:
回复 wenxiu xu: