最近在使用ads1278做采集,按照DS上的说法 SCLK要是CLK的 1 , 1/2 ,1/4倍 。但实际按照这样设置的时候发现读出的数据有问题。 按道理来说spi的sclk速度应该要高于采集时钟clk才可以的啊,实际测试也验证了这一点。但是为什么ds上说sclk要等与或者小于clk ?
你应该是理解反了吧, 我看文字下面的时序图的
SCLKThe serial clock (SCLK) features a Schmitt-triggeredinput and shifts out data on DOUT on the fallingedge. It also shifts in data on the falling edge on DINwhen this pin is being used for daisy-chaining. Eventhough SCLK has hysteresis, it is recommended tokeep SCLK as clean as possible to prevent glitchesfrom accidentally shifting the data. When usingFrame-Sync format, SCLK must run continuously. If itis shut down, the data readback will be corrupted.The number of SCLKs within a frame period (FSYNCclock) can be any power-of-2 ratio of CLK cycles (1,1/2, 1/4, etc), as long as the number of cycles issufficient to shift the data output from all channelswithin one frame.
回复 user151383853:
Amy Luo: