


This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.

The value is '-151' (0xffffff69).
The title is 'SC_ERR_FTDI_OPEN'.

The explanation is:
One of the FTDI driver functions used during
the connect returned bad status or an error.
The cause may one or more of: invalid emulator serial number,
blank emulator EEPROM, missing FTDI drivers, faulty USB cable.
Use the xds100serial command-line utility in the 'common/uscif'
folder to verify the emulator can be located.


qi zhong1:

回复 qi zhong1:

已解决,方法为先安装resolve dependence,再安装ccs,最后install driver,希望可以给遇到同样问题的伙伴一个解决的方法。


This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.

The value is '-151' (0xffffff69).
The title is 'SC_ERR_FTDI_OPEN'.

The explanation is:
One of the FTDI driver functions used during
the connect returned bad status or an error.
The cause may one or more of: invalid emulator serial number,
blank emulator EEPROM, missing FTDI drivers, faulty USB cable.
Use the xds100serial command-line utility in the 'common/uscif'
folder to verify the emulator can be located.


mangui zhang:

回复 qi zhong1:

好的   希望能帮到更多的人

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