ADS1263这款芯片又内置了一个24bitadc,请问这个内置的24bit ADC一般会用在哪些方面,内置一个ADC在应用种有什么好处呢
Kailyn Chen:
您好,24bit ADC即为ADS 1263内部架构中的ADC2 这个ADC。 它的作用在datasheet中也有描述:
The ADS1263 includes an auxiliary 24-bit delta-sigma ADC (ADC2) featuring buffered PGA inputs, gains from 1
V/V to 128 V/V, and data rates up to 800 SPS. All analog inputs and reference inputs are available to ADC2.
ADC2 can be used to provide redundant measurements or system measurements such as sensor temperature
compensation and thermocouple cold junction compensation (CJC)